For us Christian valid the 10 Commandments still ever. Every Commandment is valid!
The ten commandments are love towards God, and people, so they must always be obeyed, which love works no ill towards their neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
Jesus said a new commandment He gives the saints that they love one another as He loved them, and love their enemies.
Paul said we do not void out the law through faith, but we establish the law, and the law is spiritual, holy, just, and good, which are the moral laws, laws of love.
The ten commandments are spiritual laws, but they could not receive the Spirit in the Old Testament, but we can receive the Spirit in the New Testament and can love people perfectly, which means we love God, for if you do not love a person you can see how can you love God who you cannot see.
We still have a obey the 4th commandment to keep the sabbath day, but it is a spiritual sabbath now, and spiritual rest.
When you receive the Spirit then the kingdom of God is within you, and God said with stammering lips, and another tongue will He speak to these people saying this is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest, and this is the refreshing, yet they would not hear.
And Jesus said take His yoke upon you and you will find rest for your souls.
Physical sabbath given to Israel according to this earth, and the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath, so the sabbath can change.
Jesus went away to prepare a place for the saints that where He is at the saints may be also, and the saints are strangers passing through the land seeking a better home, one made by God, the New Jerusalem, and the spiritual sabbath given to the saints according to the new heaven and earth.
The spiritual laws carry over from the Old to the New Testament, but Jesus took the physical ordinances of Israel out of the way for they were contrary to us that they had no bearing on spiritual salvation, so let no person judge you in those physical ordinances for a saint does not have to keep them.
We do have to keep the ten commandments for we are to love God, and love people, spiritual laws.