Good grief... I said I wasn't going to say anymore, but I need to address these notions.
My story, which I've told before, in previous "tongues" discussions is that about 40 years ago, I met a group of folks that were going about the country, preaching and reaching out, mostly to young folks. I was a young person then... well, young-ER.... mid 20's....
They strongly taught speaking in tongues. I had heard of it, being brought up in the church, baptized at 11, father was an elder in the church, went to a Christian school... etc...
After attending some of their worship sessions, I was convinced that I was somehow missing something, as I did not speak in tongues. We had several discussions, and I was convinced that I simply had to fully give in and accept it, pray for it earnestly, etc. We even had two sessions of 8-10 of them surrounding me and laying hands on me.... I WANTED to have that gift....
I didn't receive it. Never. They even said I need to just open my mouth and start making noises, and it would just "flow".... Didn't happen.
After a few weeks of serious prayer and meditation on the subject, I came to the conclusion that either I was "unworthy" or that just perhaps, the Spirit decided I didn't need that gift. Over the past 40 or so years of reading, studying, praying, I've come to the conclusions that I have put forth in this (and other) threads.
So.... don't try to tell me that I WILL speak in tongues, if I just pray for it, and want it bad enough.
If the Spirit decides I NEED that gift, He will give it to me.... and I will NOT have that gift before that happens.... if it ever does.
When I pray to God, I KNOW that the Spirit is also interceding in my behalf, using words that I just don't have. That is good enough for me... I've seen prayers answered, not always the way I was asking, but always for the best. That is the work of the Spirit...
The teaching of initial evidence as Tongues or Prophecying when one is empowered by the Holy Spirit. In every case where the Holy Spirit empowered, they spoke in tongues or Prophesied.
“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matthew 3:11, also in all the other Gospels: Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33)
this happens in the following chapters of Acts
Acts chapter 2:4-8, 8:15-17,
Simon the Sorcerer
Acts 8:18 saw something happen when hands were laid on people. What did he see and hear?
Acts 10 and 11
Baptism and the Holy Spirit of the Twelve Ephesians, Acts 19:1-7
All spoke in tongues of supernatural empowerment by the Holy Spirit.
You say, " You still have shown no scripture that says that EVERY one that receives the Spirit MUST show it by speaking in tongues."
Can you tell me how it is to be known that one is empowered by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God?
No one is saying they must speak in tongues. The word of God shows us everyone who was Baptized in the Holy Spirit Did speak in tongues or Prophesied. You were given much scripture to prove that.
Your experience, I understand, but that doesn't make what the word of God shows null in void.
You said :
- I WANTED to have that gift....I didn't receive it. Never. They even said I need to open my mouth and start making noises, and it would just "flow".... Didn't happen.
That was wrong for them to do that, and they were ignorant. Yet the Holy Spirit will never force you or make you speak in tongues.
- After a few weeks of serious prayer and meditation on the subject, I concluded that either I was "unworthy" or that, just perhaps, the Spirit decided I didn't need that gift. Over the past 40 or so years of reading, studying, and praying, I've come to the conclusions that I have put forth in this (and other) thread.
The devil is a lying devil, and, so you know, the feelings are not faith or truth about you. The devil doesn't want anyone to be empowered with the Holy Spirit. I have seen many empowered with the Holy Spirit just like you who have had the same bad experience. Those people were wrong

And although they had good intentions, they were still in error. But that doesn't mean the empowering of the Holy Spirit is not for you or needed today.
- So.... don't try to tell me that I WILL speak in tongues if I just pray for it, and want it bad enough. If the Spirit decides I NEED that gift, He will give it to me.... and I will NOT have that gift before that happens.... if it ever does.
I am not going to tell you that. I will tell you that speaking in tongues is the Cause but an effect of the Holy Spirit of one who has been empowered by the Holy Spirit. You are a child of God, and you do not have to beg, wait, or hope.
Jesus said you being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more will your Father in Heaven give the gift of the Holy Spirit if you ask Him. In times past, you and I have had odds on its topic.
I have never said you were not saved or did not have the Holy Spirit; you do. The work of the Holy Spirit in you was to save you and have you bear witness that you are CHILD OF GOD.
Jesus said you will receive POWER after the Holy Spirit comes UPON you. The Disciples already had the Holy Spirit in them when Jesus said this in ACTS 1:8 and Luke CHAPTER 24:49.
If they had the Holy Spirit, why would they have to wait for the Holy Spirit unless Jesus had to leave earth first? John chapters 14 and 15 speak to this. The Holy Spirit comes alongside to help. Lead, guide, and bring into remembrance the words Jesus Spoke. Lead into Truth. And to have the power to be a witness.
Don't seek tongues. Just ask the lord if you have been empowered to be a witness. Tell the Lord I want all you want me to have, and get me out of the way so I can receive. You will never speak in tongues because the Word of God says the Holy Spirit gives the ability. Still, you do the speaking, Jesus, as the Holy Spirit leads us to witness you got to speak; you got to pray for the sick; the Holy Spirit WILL NOT MAKE YOU DO any of that. HE will call you to preach, but if you don't answer, that is you, not HIM.
You go to your prayer room or private Location, no one is around, and as Jesus baptizes you in the Holy Spirit, step out of the Boat and do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Know this the devil will make you feel unworthy. Is it true? No! The devil will say you are mocking to ask God for what HE said to ask HIm for. Are you? NO! You tell the devil to Shut up in the name of Jesus and press in.
You who are saved will not have the devil slip into you when you are calling on the Lord. That is a lie from the pit of Hell.
I make no apologies. Every perfect gift comes from the Lord, and all must be received by Faith, not feeling.
In every Biblical account, The man or women of God had to humble themselves, obey, ask then receive. We must come boldly in faith, not feeling or from the position of past bad experiences. I want more of Jesus. I would have been ok without tongues, but it did happen, and it was wonderful other tongues were the highlight experience;. However, I pray in tongues almost every day; I thank him for the many people Him to the Lord through the ministry God called me too. I have seen healing, salvation, deliverances, miracles, additions, broken marriages restored lives changed by God and His word. I have also seen the gifts of the Holy Spirit found in 1cor chapters 12 thru 14 used today to God be all the Glory.
Those who may read this and are inspired but have never had what is known as the empowering of the Holy Spirit That Jesus said to us we are to have any desire to have but maybe were offended by good initial people but were wrong, Forgive them and move on.
But you say I still would like to experience this but have no one to help me. I want to pray for you, and as I believe the Holy Spirit will meet you right where you are if you take a step of faith, NOT feelings, you will be blessed and wonderfully surprised.
There is only one requirement. You have to know Jesus as your Lord and savior. That it.
Go to a place alone. You don't need hands laid on you, but the Lord will lead you to a person when that is needed.
Pray this :
Dear Father, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord, and Savior. I ask you to be empowered with your Holy Spirit to witness you and your resurrection as you said I would be. I don't understand all there is to be with the gifts of the Holy Spirit; I know you will not force on me anything I am not ready to receive. I desire all you want me to have from the Holy Spirit. Empower me, Lord, that I may do all you have called me to do. I forgive those who have offended me, but I ask in faith, knowing you hear me and desire to give me all that you have for me to be more Like you each day. In Jesus' Name amen.
Lift your hands and begin to thank Him for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and Tell the devil you cannot stop me from receiving what my Lord wants me to have. I am worthy because of the Blood of Jesus, I have no condemnation, I am not mocking my Lord, and Lift up my hand to you Lord, and I open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel; Lord empowers me. Amen.
You will be filled, you will be empowered, and you will do all the Lord enables you to do. You will speak, cry, shout, and be silent; however, your experience is it is a personal one, and it will be wonderful, powerful, and of God.