“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3 (KJV)
To be poor in spirit is to acknowledge our spiritual poverty and bankruptcy before God12. It is the opposite of being self-confident or self-reliant, especially in any spiritual sense2. The poor in spirit recognize they are incapable of providing for themselves by their own strength, goodness, or righteousness2. They are totally dependent on God3. To be poor in spirit means to be emptied, unloaded in our spirit4.
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Matthew 5:3 (KJV)
To be poor in spirit is to acknowledge our spiritual poverty and bankruptcy before God12. It is the opposite of being self-confident or self-reliant, especially in any spiritual sense2. The poor in spirit recognize they are incapable of providing for themselves by their own strength, goodness, or righteousness2. They are totally dependent on God3. To be poor in spirit means to be emptied, unloaded in our spirit4.
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