Angela, I am so sorry you are experiencing so much pain and difficulty with your RA I pray the meds will help but more than that I pray God will heal you from the horribly debilitating condition you have found yourself in, and if not that, that you are able to persevere with faith and grace and find some calling in all of this as a means of further serving God. Here is a story of someone who lives with constant pain. I hope you can find some comfort in it.
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Hi magenta, I hit like because of your post, but I cant get link to work.
Angela, I have before and will again pray for your healing. Father in heaven, I admit I do get angry sometimes, Lord, about pain and illness, and I dont know where to direct my anger. I pray so much, Lord, for ppl to be healed, especially my sisters and brothers. And right now for Angela, Lord, please, ..... Please Lord, let it be your will that Angela gets a miracle from your healing touch, Jesus. Sometimes Father, I think if it was in my power and someone asked, I would heal them in a snap, and I know Lord, all power and might and authority are yours, and I don't understand why the answers to prayer sometimes seem to be no or at least not yet. Forgive me, Father, for thinking at times I'd know better than you what is best for us. Help me to trust you when I dont understand. Just like at prayer last night in church, one sister was moved to tears praying for the refugees trying to escape persecution, and even tho we all were praying, we were not all moved the same way, and I dont know why, and now, Father, my heart is really hurting for Angela and I'm fighting back tears asking for her healing, and I dont know why I'm not always moved this way, or what that means. Help me, Lord, to not so much need to understand as I would just be believing. I know that ultimately Angela has her healing in you, Lord, as do we all who call upon Jesus to be our Saviour, we praise you, Father, for your grace and mercy, but until that day, Lord, please grant Angela more grace to bear, more mercy, and maybe today, Lord, an end to pain, thru the power and presence of your Holy Spirit in Jesus' name, amen.