and what happens then if man has true saving faith in Christ, is all lined up to get baptized tomorrow but dies of a heart attack preventing him from getting baptized. To stay intellectually honest you have to say this man goes to hell. Does that make sense to you?
You seem to want to play "hypothetical" games.... you also still grant men authority that we don't have, and never will....
It is not our place to tell someone they are going to hell.... please, PLEASE get that out of your mind. We don't have that authority.
All we can do is give someone the word of God.... what happens in their life is between them and our loving God.
Telling someone they are going to hell has nothing to do with being intellectually honest....
I've heard all the hypotheticals.... what about the thief on the cross, what about the soldier in battle, what about the person driving on their way to be baptized and they have a wreck, what about an astronaut in space.... yada, yada, ad nauseum....
One more time.....THAT IS NOT OUR CALL TO MAKE. GOD MAKES THAT CALL. We don't have to worry that we are being "intellectually honest", because we do not know what will happen to that person.... but I DO know who DOES know, and I know that He loves us more than we are capable of loving ourselves.
So, how 'bout we stop with the silly games, bro? It's a waste of time...