I am moved with the amount of confusion these days about the nature of our salvation. The answer to this question can be different depending on the denomination you attend, but I believe the Bible is clear if interpreted correctly. Salvation is a free gift, that is received through repentance and faith, and it was completely paid for by what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. All we are required to do is accept it by faith.
it'll do ... folks'll get saved with that, God being super abundantly merciful.
I like the word GRACE, by GRACE are ye saved through faith not of yourselves lest any man boast. In every instance and way it is God wholly who decides.
Who shall be the beneficiaries of this grace, to whom faith shall be given as a free gift, the time and circumstances in which the deal [betwixt sinner and God] shall be struck?
Now so many reformed folks use these question and answer them in a way to EXCLUDE folk, for them the grace is restricted to a very few predestined and elect persons, Christ's precious blood [say they] is limited and does not avail for everybody.
I am reformed but I beg to differ.
For me these doctrines far from excluding anybody are set by God so as to INCLUDE the vast majority of mankind. And that despite all that appears to be the case to our natural sight.
The more I look the more I see God amazing mercy at work, I am not a universalist, I believe in hell and I believe the people that end up there will deserve to be there. There are some truly evil folk around.
The church has skated over these doctrines for too long, it's probably too late to change them now.
By grace you say, a free gift you say, by simple faith.
But that contradicts the judgement in Matthew 25. And it contradicts the Great White Throne judgement of Revelation 20. And it contradicts a great many parables, for instance the parable of the talents. No wonder people are confused, no wonder this argument has wrangled in the church for century after century.
Are we the church to be judged righteous and worthy of reward as these scriptures would seem to say? because we ministered? because we were prudent and wise?
Ah! God is holy, He cannot by any means overlook sin. Can He overlook GOOD DEEDS and still be holy and just?
Ha ha ha, I love people, do you love people? some people dedicate their whole lives to helping people, saving people, I think of cops and firemen, doctors and nurses, teachers and people involved in all kinds of outreach to help others.
Can these things buy salvation? mebbe not but I tell you God cannot overlook these things IMPOSSIBLE.
What's the answer?
The answer is they have taken away a huge slice of the Gospel, the good news about the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Heaven is the Millennium, the 1, 000 years reign ON EARTH of Christ with His saints. We preach heaven and hell only. But there IS an earth, there will always be an earth, there will be a new heaven and new earth.
If our inheritance by God's grace is heaven, who shall inherit the earth?
The meek shall inherit the earth.