Another thing Lilly....there is first the natural...then the spiritual. We are not in the natural now. That would take law to control mens humanity. We are changed from the natural to the spiritual if indeed we are born again of water and spirit. No need to control what God has created. It comes from our heart. That is the meaning of the those in Romans 2 who do from the heart what the law portrays.
It is very helpful to have an understanding of the spiritual meaning of words. 7 is the day of the Lord....8 is the day of the circumcised. We are 8th day worshippers in spirit and truth. I think this may be where the Catholic church gets sunday but I won't say for sure. Not catholic.
But, I know from looking back at the old...I see infants circumcised on the 8th day. And I know what 8 means. If you have been circumcised by the hands of longer are we flesh. But spirit. Every day is the Lords day now for His body. So we live and rule in this life as in the heavenlies now with Jesus. If we know certainly will curtail the fleshly ways here on earth. Or should.
There are history sites concerning the Sabbath change to Sunday that tell us what is the Roman's Catholic church altered their day of worship from the traditional Sabbath to Sunday so as to offset harassment by the Roman authorities. Their day of honoring the sun was Sunday. To avoid conflict the early established church in Rome conformed and did the same for our God Yahweh.
That, go along to get along, stance I guess.
From the Pagan era is where we get the days of our week too. Fascinating stuff what we take for granted as our calendar and other things have their origin in pagan practice.
We are in the world but not of the world. I think the whole point of the thread thus far is to inform that small minority opposed to the origin of our faith and that tell us we're not to honor one day a week, as God ordained. To keep it holy.
As it was made for us by God in the beginning, I don't see a conflict with taking that time away from the world so as to be in service to the spirit that always leads us, and to also have one on one time with God without distractions. We're never separated from God as we know. Well, I'd hope we know this.Taking one day as a vacation of sorts to spend time wholly in the spirit is refreshing to the body , mind, and spirit.
Friends make the Sabbath day a part of their weekly calendar as scheduled in days of old. Sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. I could list all the things they share are part of that but that is their private matter. In any event, when Monday rolls around and that alarm goes off, one of my friends has an alarm clock that wakes them with gradually increasing volume of ocean waves, I gotta find that kind of clock

, they're ready to meet the week head on. Like a mini-vacation once a week.
The way I see it, we're in a relationship with the greatest power in all creation. If we want to observe the Sabbath God designated for us, so be it.
Rather than taking matters of concern with such persons, why don't we ask ourselves, why would any Christian be opposed to another Christian spending time with God one day a week especially for their own choice and benefit? What possible argument could there be for someone to broach what is a personal and Biblical practice and teaching, so as to tell that Christian it is wrong to do so?
Really. Those persons are what should be confronted here, those that are adamant against one on one time with the Father. Not those who take time to spend a day of their life exclusively in the day the Father made for them.