I will attempt to go further into the subject of Baptism in the Spirit.
First we must establish, that Baptism in the Spirit, is a Baptism who's Executor is Jesus Christ. He is the one that Baptized believers into His Corporate Body with the agency of the Holy Spirit.
Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire:
In one sense, Christ baptized the local assembly, (Acts 1:5), which is Corporate and in the other, the Universal Assembly, which is also Corporate, (1 Cor. 12:13). No where in the Book of Acts is an individual Baptized in the Spirit. It is always done upon a Corporate assembly.
We both know, that being Born of the Spirit is Individual and a Sovereign work of Grace upon the Recipient. It is immediate and irresistible. Now we need to distinguish how the two - Born of the Spirit and Baptized in the Spirit - are different.
I will not belabor the points of being born of the Spirit, we are both well versed in the subject but will point out one important contrast. This contrast is found in the prepositions used. One is born of - ἐκ (out of) - the Spirit but one is baptized in - ἓν (Locative of Sphere) - the Spirit. Therefore, the New Birth comes directly out of or out from the Holy Spirit. Baptism in the Spirit, refers to one being in the "sphere" of the Holy Spirit. Said in other ways - being associated with the things of the Spirit and being in the influence of the Spirit.
Remember, The believers in Israel, during Christ's earthly ministry were being kept by the Lord Himself. (John 17:12). Their association was with Christ. He was their direct teacher and influencer. But when the Comforter came at Pentecost - the Holy Spirit - He took over as the keeper, teacher and influencer, until Christ returns. With Christ gone, the believers are now associated with the Spirit and the things of the Spirit. We are in the sphere of the Spirit and the Spirit directs our attention to our hope. A hope not yet seen. The hope that is in Jesus Christ. It is through the Scriptures and the Spirit's teachings that one witnesses for the cause of Jesus Christ. The world does not see our association with the Spirit because it is inward; but they may see our association with Christ because of our witness.
To prove and further explain the distinction, we need to go further back into the First Corinthian epistle.
Paul's lengthy argument, actually starts back in chapter 10. His emphasis is "union" with that which one does and with that which one observers. Either one, is associated with the Spirit, or Idolatry. Therefore, one walks in the Spirit or walks after this world. At the beginning of chapter 10, Paul begins with the association of National Israel. We are told, that all of Israel was baptized under the cloud and when they walked through the parted sea. This was a baptism unto Moses. This Baptism was also Corporate, as Israel was one large assembly. In other words, they were associated with Moses. This included both believers and unbelievers. While Moses was a "type" of Christ, he certainly was not Christ. Most of Israel was not following after the Lord but rather, after Moses.
Paul then pulls from this concept in chapter 12 - as he begins discussing spiritual gifts. The emphasis is on how these gifts are determined and to whom. There is much contention and jealousy over these gifts in Corinth because the Corinthians do not see the full purpose of these gifts. Paul argues for an united understanding of Christ's Body. Every believer that makes up the Universal Assembly, which Christ is building, are members of that Body. Every believer, has been given gifts by the Spirit, so as to place us for our intended purpose within the Body. In the local aspect of the assembly and in the Universal aspect of the assembly. Therefore, when the Universal aspect of the Body is complete, then all of it's members will also be present within the Body and equipped to exercise their particular role.
Paul then associates this union, to being baptized in the Spirit. He directs them to recent past history, when the Jewish believers and Gentile believers were baptized. This baptism, associates believers with the intended gifts and purpose of the Spirit. Just as "water" baptism associates believers with Christ's death and resurrection. Likewise, the cloud and sea, associated Israel with Moses. These gifts and member placement are predetermined.
Today, this association with the one Spirit, begins at the New Birth. The predetermined gifts and member placement are applied. We become associated with the work of the Spirit in our lives. We are made to drink from this one Spirit. These gifts become active as we progress through our conversion experience. The gifts not only become active in our conversion but mature as we mature in Christ. It is vitally important, that we notice the Greek word - ἐποτίσθημεν - translated: "made to drink" or "given to drink". This phrase, has an irresistible sound to it and should make us think of the New Birth. This association with the Spirit, was alluded too in this verse and helps define it's meaning.
John 7:37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
Christ was referring to the work of the Holy Spirit, who magnifies the work of Christ in the mind of the believer. We know that because our Lord said: "..If any man thirst...". There is no thirsting, if one has not experienced the Birth of the Spirit, (Regeneration). That Birth causes one to thirst, (Conversion), and his drink is from the one Spirit. That drink leads one to Jesus Christ and will continually magnify the Person and Work of Jesus Christ.
First we must establish, that Baptism in the Spirit, is a Baptism who's Executor is Jesus Christ. He is the one that Baptized believers into His Corporate Body with the agency of the Holy Spirit.
Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire:
In one sense, Christ baptized the local assembly, (Acts 1:5), which is Corporate and in the other, the Universal Assembly, which is also Corporate, (1 Cor. 12:13). No where in the Book of Acts is an individual Baptized in the Spirit. It is always done upon a Corporate assembly.
We both know, that being Born of the Spirit is Individual and a Sovereign work of Grace upon the Recipient. It is immediate and irresistible. Now we need to distinguish how the two - Born of the Spirit and Baptized in the Spirit - are different.
I will not belabor the points of being born of the Spirit, we are both well versed in the subject but will point out one important contrast. This contrast is found in the prepositions used. One is born of - ἐκ (out of) - the Spirit but one is baptized in - ἓν (Locative of Sphere) - the Spirit. Therefore, the New Birth comes directly out of or out from the Holy Spirit. Baptism in the Spirit, refers to one being in the "sphere" of the Holy Spirit. Said in other ways - being associated with the things of the Spirit and being in the influence of the Spirit.
Remember, The believers in Israel, during Christ's earthly ministry were being kept by the Lord Himself. (John 17:12). Their association was with Christ. He was their direct teacher and influencer. But when the Comforter came at Pentecost - the Holy Spirit - He took over as the keeper, teacher and influencer, until Christ returns. With Christ gone, the believers are now associated with the Spirit and the things of the Spirit. We are in the sphere of the Spirit and the Spirit directs our attention to our hope. A hope not yet seen. The hope that is in Jesus Christ. It is through the Scriptures and the Spirit's teachings that one witnesses for the cause of Jesus Christ. The world does not see our association with the Spirit because it is inward; but they may see our association with Christ because of our witness.
To prove and further explain the distinction, we need to go further back into the First Corinthian epistle.
Paul's lengthy argument, actually starts back in chapter 10. His emphasis is "union" with that which one does and with that which one observers. Either one, is associated with the Spirit, or Idolatry. Therefore, one walks in the Spirit or walks after this world. At the beginning of chapter 10, Paul begins with the association of National Israel. We are told, that all of Israel was baptized under the cloud and when they walked through the parted sea. This was a baptism unto Moses. This Baptism was also Corporate, as Israel was one large assembly. In other words, they were associated with Moses. This included both believers and unbelievers. While Moses was a "type" of Christ, he certainly was not Christ. Most of Israel was not following after the Lord but rather, after Moses.
Paul then pulls from this concept in chapter 12 - as he begins discussing spiritual gifts. The emphasis is on how these gifts are determined and to whom. There is much contention and jealousy over these gifts in Corinth because the Corinthians do not see the full purpose of these gifts. Paul argues for an united understanding of Christ's Body. Every believer that makes up the Universal Assembly, which Christ is building, are members of that Body. Every believer, has been given gifts by the Spirit, so as to place us for our intended purpose within the Body. In the local aspect of the assembly and in the Universal aspect of the assembly. Therefore, when the Universal aspect of the Body is complete, then all of it's members will also be present within the Body and equipped to exercise their particular role.
Paul then associates this union, to being baptized in the Spirit. He directs them to recent past history, when the Jewish believers and Gentile believers were baptized. This baptism, associates believers with the intended gifts and purpose of the Spirit. Just as "water" baptism associates believers with Christ's death and resurrection. Likewise, the cloud and sea, associated Israel with Moses. These gifts and member placement are predetermined.
Today, this association with the one Spirit, begins at the New Birth. The predetermined gifts and member placement are applied. We become associated with the work of the Spirit in our lives. We are made to drink from this one Spirit. These gifts become active as we progress through our conversion experience. The gifts not only become active in our conversion but mature as we mature in Christ. It is vitally important, that we notice the Greek word - ἐποτίσθημεν - translated: "made to drink" or "given to drink". This phrase, has an irresistible sound to it and should make us think of the New Birth. This association with the Spirit, was alluded too in this verse and helps define it's meaning.
John 7:37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
Christ was referring to the work of the Holy Spirit, who magnifies the work of Christ in the mind of the believer. We know that because our Lord said: "..If any man thirst...". There is no thirsting, if one has not experienced the Birth of the Spirit, (Regeneration). That Birth causes one to thirst, (Conversion), and his drink is from the one Spirit. That drink leads one to Jesus Christ and will continually magnify the Person and Work of Jesus Christ.
b. Re your Second pointThe baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 and in other places in Acts was both corporate and individual.
c. I agree with the distinction of being born of the Spirit and baptized in the Spirit. I did not mean they are the same thing. I meant that they are two ASPECTS of the same event.
In my view, conversion of an individual is one event with numerous aspects that, regeneration, faith, justification, baptism into Christ’s death and body, initial sanctification, sealing, are all part of a conversion experience. I do not think you experience one without experiencing the others. In other words, a person that is regenerated is also justified, and a person that is justified has also already been baptized into Christ’s death.
d. Every aspect of our salvation is connected with our real union with Christ. And i am not speaking of pretemporal union, for even though we were elect and foreknown in eternity past, we were yet dead in our sins in time until we were called.
e. So God grants us the gift of faith, we believe, we are justified, baptized into Christ’s death, Spiritually raised to new life, and set apart by Grace.
F. I am in agreement with the paragraph that begins with “ Today this association with one Spirit…”.
G. I am in full agreement with the last paragraph.
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