My Father was an preacher and evangelist and spoke in tongues, and my sis speaks in tongues. I want to, think it would be wonderful, bring me closer to my Lord. I know many say not everyone can, that it is a gift for some, not for others. I wonder, if it points to a lack of faith. Your experience seems so beautiful and so intimate with Him. So my question is this...
Is it simply something we receive like at the pentecost, or is it something we can just start practicing, luke the OP suggest ? Are there scriptures that you could point me to, besides Acts?
Is it simply something we receive like at the pentecost, or is it something we can just start practicing, luke the OP suggest ? Are there scriptures that you could point me to, besides Acts?
Hi Charli
(guess who haha)
Thank you CS1, much appreciated. I have asked Hin, and trusting Him for whatever He sees fit, but Brother, it causes me to want to examine why I have not been able. I pray He remove any deceit, selfishness, pride or any other sin that may be hindering my being filled in this way.
I was an ignorant 18 yr old, read a book about it, looked up the references in the Bible, said 'oh they check out', kneeled by my bedside and asked to be filled and started right away. I understood that I would not understand, but time has changed that because I often interpret what I say or sing in tongues...but I've come a long way since then
You should know too that I was brought up in a church that denied tongues was for today but I was searching for 'more' and more meaning in my life, and you know God likes that in a person. He is always willing
please don't fuss over it or let the naysayers sway you
even my dad eventually spoke in tongues and he was the most reserved person you can think of
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