You gave me some verses that you think prove OSAS and I am asking how they say that "once a person is saved they are always saved"?
They say that the person who is believing in Jesus Christ is secure. They don't say that once a person at a point in time has put their faith in Jesus Christ that they will always be believing in Jesus Christ and they because they put their faith in Jesus Christ at a point in time that that means they will automatically go to heaven even if they become an atheistic mongrel ten time worse than Hitler.
You gave me some verses that you think prove OSAS and I am asking how they say that "once a person is saved they are always saved"?
They say that the person who is believing in Jesus Christ is secure. They don't say that once a person at a point in time has put their faith in Jesus Christ that they will always be believing in Jesus Christ and they because they put their faith in Jesus Christ at a point in time that that means they will automatically go to heaven even if they become an atheistic mongrel ten time worse than Hitler.
No predestined elect Saint of God will ever commit sins like Hitler, so we can safely toss that thought in the trash can. Us Saints of God were saved before the foundation of the world, but we didn't know it until we heard the Gospel. When us predestined elect Saints of God hear the Gospel, we respond by believing it and it converts us from living as a sinner to a Saint of God.
The process of sanctification takes some time so we don't suddenly become perfect, that happens at Gods appointed time. In the mean time we continue to fall into sin every day but we know we are forgiven before we even commit the sin, because Christ paid for all of our past present and future sins.
Not all of us have a radical conversion, most of us experience our conversion as a gradual change so to answer your question of what particular moment we are saved at is not relevant as we were saved before we were created, but we don't cash in on the gift until we hear the Gospel and believe then it changes us gradually.
My conversion is an ongoing process, I am a saved Saint of God but I have't received my incorruptible sinless body yet. That will happen when this life ends and I step into eternal paradise.