I think you are getting it:
- the death of Christ on the cross is pivotal and the key to forgiveness of sin and redemption
- the resurrection of Christ gives us the hope and the power to be able to live above sin in this present world
- together they form a solid basis for salvation
But I would encourage you to find others with whom you can fellowship: iron sharpens iron - the Spirit in you speaks to others, and the Spirit in others speaks to you: having brothers around me has been a huge blessing in my own Christian journey. It does not need to be (and maybe shouldn't be) what most consider formal church. The church (ekklesia) is wherever a group of called out ones gather together for encouragement and nourishment.
Actually that is not quite how I get it. The death on the cross is pivotal, a parabel to our torment on earth, or terrific lives which is another test of a different sort that may make it even harder for us to turn to God, because it is so great on earth. So the hardest tests, might be given to people like Michael Jordan, Trump, Elon musk. But for us others with some bad stuff to go through as our tests, this is to signify our worldly struggles. My take on it, is that I am not granted forgiveness from his act, and not redemption. I am offered the opportunity to seek it and ask for it.
Here is where it gets a bit onfusing and contradictory for you maybe. I must ask God for forgiveness and redemption before I can be granted it. I have not done that. But as for me among people, I cannot beg for forgiveness, or be begged for it, it must be offered freely, without demand. Because it can only be given, not demanded amongs us. And for me, this speaks of how to be christlike among my fellow man on earth, Jesus did not demand, he gave freely, so we have to do it freely here, but when we seek God, we must beg. We must truly mean it, and stick to it, if we make the ask. And before that, we had better act christlike here on earth to others, which to me means truth, to be real with the people around me. Very simple really. Forgiveness and sin is months down the line, perhaps I never even get there. To live right, that is the pointing to God, and pointing us to my last paragraph. And points us to relief, of not being bound to this world by earthly desires that are like chains keeping us from God.
Yes, the ressurection of Jesus gives us the hope and power to be able to live above sin in this present world. And to quote an atheist philosopher on that. He said that there was no meaning to life or in life, but there is sufficient meaning to fill your life with to make it meaningful". It never left me from my atheist days, and it fits with the bible. Even if he meant fun stuff. This means God to, if that is the meaning to you.
Thank you for the advice on church, but no such church were I live. 3 hours to such a church, and it is in another language. AndI do not need it now. Have not read the bible yet. If I do it, I will just join a local private church closer by, which is a long way away, 1 hour. Only statechurch here, and they have erased a lot of the bible, not joining such a church, rather be outside then. Would be condoning blasphemy. . Few private churches here, would be easiest to start my own really. But I have not read the book yet, so I think it would be wrong to do so. You are my community. Never surrounded myself with christians in my life. I do not know any. All the people in my life has been atheists, as was IBeing very literal about the bible is frowned upon, and kind of not accepted here. Regarded as hatespeech. I get in trouble if I were to say that such and such is a mortal sin, considered rude, to not lie and condone stuff like that. Being against abortion is a big nono. Best not to speak of it really.