"for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."
That exactly my point - that God provides for the elect and non-elect alike in the physical realm. My point
was regarding the spiritual realm not the physical realm - they are different.
The verses you provided are directed toward those who are of the saved. They explain how the saved are to treat the unsaved.
They have nothing to do with, nor do they affect, whether or not any of them will become saved.
That exactly my point - that God provides for the elect and non-elect alike in the physical realm. My point
was regarding the spiritual realm not the physical realm - they are different.
The verses you provided are directed toward those who are of the saved. They explain how the saved are to treat the unsaved.
They have nothing to do with, nor do they affect, whether or not any of them will become saved.
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