I am not sinless, and I am not going to lie and say I am.
I am not sinless either...I still sin, I have never, ever claimed I AM sinless....I claim to be a sin-forgiven saint....that still SINs
What makes one a sinner bro?
Does SIN cause one to be a sinner
Is a sinner a condition before Christ?
If we claim to be saved and committing a SIN still makes me sinner, we are worse than any works based self-righteous teacher of the law...a because we put Jesus back on the cross...
You are getting stuck on admitting something that is impossible, and that is to be sinless....nobody was sinless but Jesus....I am trying to show you that you are no longer a sinner, and the word teaches you this....
How can claim you are saved and born again and then out of the other side of your mouth say...and I am still a sinner...
OK, maybe this will help show what I am saying...I am a vet myself so bear with me...and dcon, bear with me as well.
Before Basic training, you were not a soldier, after training you became a soldier, but still had part of the old you and some of your old you habits, but you are still a soldier....you were a soldier for awhile and then retired....despite what people say, you are still a soldier now...when you became a soldier, it became a commitment...life long, until you die, you will be a solder and honored as such...
Before Jesus, you were a sinner, after Jesus you became a saint, that still sins, because you are still a work in progress, but you are still a saint....despite what people say, you are no longer a sinner and cannot go back to being a sinner...when you came to Jesus and became a saint it became a commitment...life long, until you die, you will be a saint and honored as such...
committing Sin is a given, but a SIN does no more define you as a sinner, as being retired from the military makes you a civilian....