Serious question , looking to learn

Is God`s calling not irresistible , I mean , when Jesus called Matthew , Peter , Andrew etc , did they not just drop their nets and follow , and Matthew left his stall and followed...
I see this calling irresistible , but like I said , I am still learning...
Is the elect different from the calling of God to others?...
The men you named were already saved and immersed....the "irresistible grace" they peddle is under the banner of salvation....not the call to follow Jesus as apostles......
There are two words that apply to the saved in particular, saints and elect....One (saints) is who we are in Christ as Holy, the other (elect) is who we are as chosen.
They say GOD said person A was chosen to be saved by God before the world was cast down....and person B was SOL and destined to burn in hell.....
I disagree with that view which is not biblical....what is BIBLICAL IS THE FOLLOWING
a. God determined before the casting down of the world to CHOSE all who come to him through his son...this is the election
1. God is under no obligation to call those that will not believe
2. God knows who will and who will not
many is not ALL
THE FEW of the MANY is even less
Why are some called but they do not make the FEW CHOSEN
Because GRACE CAN BE RESISTED some MEN REFUSE the call even though it is irrevocable.....
I HAVE SEEN THIS with my own eyes....A person CALLED, CONVICTED by the call, proven that God was calling them and yet they hardened their heart and resisted/rejected
Like the Roman....ALMOST THOU PERSUADEST ME....he said...
And the RICH young ruler walked away LOST though obviously convicted!