So a person who has faith in Jesus, bears fruit in some aspects of life but is sinful in other aspects does not have salvation?
He finished with
If you told me he was struggling with those things, that would be a different story.
"There is a difference between someone who claims to be a believer and doesn't give two hoots about sinning and one who does and hates sinning"
I'm sure @Judges1318 will correct me if I'm wrong.
To be honest I am along that line of thinking.
If people are not walking according to their identity and new nature then we need to come alongside.
Is there a cause of the effect?
If so then let's walk with them and allow the Holy Spirit to transform them by dealing with the cause.
If they blatantly say I can sin all I want and it's covered and will not accept correction then time to leave them alone and leave it up to God.
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