how long do i have to be sober to not want to drink alcohol? im crazy whats going on guys? i saw some guy load up a nice 24pack at the store im thinking this is crazy. life is so boring. i didnt buy anything but come on
Brother I never really liked alchohol but I did used to drink fairly regularly, my main choice of vise in unbelief would have been ...weed....
I think it is different for everyone so the answer for how long it will take.... will be however long it takes to find joy in the fact you have left it behind... and how long it takes to enjoy normal life without the "aid" of outside influence....
Take it one day at a time and maybe find something you can do guilt free... if it keeps your mind away from the things God is telling you to remove from your life, it can still be productive...
Practice cooking or some other new skill where you end up with a finished product to appreciate or share...
Maybe for a time drink a bit of coffee and pick up reading out side of God's word again to stimulate the imagination (just spit balling)
I can't say how long it will take bro... but I can say it will pass and what you practice is what becomes easier... wether it's giving in or walking away...
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