How's about actually READING a post before you make comments.

I NEVER SAID the spirit dies.
Comments like this makes me wonder if anybody actually reads anybody else's posts.
First off your definition of born again and the bibles definition of born again are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT entities.
My SALVATION experience.
I was brought up in church but became an atheist around the age of 18 and remained one until I was 32 years old. I didn't believe in God and didn't want to know anything about God or Christianity. Then one day when I was doing some work at a Pentecostal preachers house, the preacher began giving me his testimony, of which I had no interest in whatsoever, I was just being polite.
Then the next thing I knew, I was down on my knees crying like a baby and receiving Jesus as my savior. And my life has never been the same since. I started back going to church and reading the NIV bible which I got nothing out of.... kind of like some of the people I run across on this site. During that time of going to church, every church I ever went to kept saying that my bible was not perfect and that it had errors. This didn't sit well with me because EVERYTHING we know about God comes from the scripture.
At some point during that time, I was exposed to the KJV vs. Modern translation debate. So I decided to try the KJV. It was hard to read at first but after a few months is pretty easy to read. After reading it for a year or so, it's was like scales were being removed from my eyes and the meaning of scripture was flying off the page into my mind. I was hooked from that moment on.
My BORN AGAIN experience.
After a couple of years of reading the KJV, my view of Christ and the bible began to change. A NEW CHRIST was formed in me, A Christ that came from the incorruptible word of God. That's when I began to SEE the kingdom of God, not only in scripture but also in the world around me. This also the time that I entered into that kingdom that comes without observance, that's when I truly became free.... That's when I was born again of incorruptible seed.
So no VCO, I don't need for you to tell me how to get saved or how to become born again, I am both already.