Did you know there are 40,000 different Protestant denominations, incl independent churches.
This is because people think they could read the bible and come up with their own theories.
Something so simple to understand as The Parable of the Sower is changed to mean what YOU want it to mean...
But any intelligent person could read it for themselves and not depend on others and they will understand it if they go to it with a clear mind.
What is sad D, is that we can't agree on a VERY IMPORTANT theory, such as eternal security.
I do believe in eternal security BTW,,,but there ARE conditions.
OSAS is NOT biblical and no amount of twisting words will make it so.
Revelation 21:27
This is because people think they could read the bible and come up with their own theories.
Something so simple to understand as The Parable of the Sower is changed to mean what YOU want it to mean...
But any intelligent person could read it for themselves and not depend on others and they will understand it if they go to it with a clear mind.
What is sad D, is that we can't agree on a VERY IMPORTANT theory, such as eternal security.
I do believe in eternal security BTW,,,but there ARE conditions.
OSAS is NOT biblical and no amount of twisting words will make it so.
Revelation 21:27
I boast in JESUS
You boast in yourself and what YOU DO to maintain it....<----that is NOT the faith and hope the bible lays bare.....
And who cares about all of the Baskin Robbins 57 flavors of Christianity.......woven throughout that whole mess is a linage of truthful churches and believers........
And as far as the (sad statement) WHY would I agree with someone that ignores context, Greek verb tense, hundreds of scriptures and the simple truth that the irrevocable gift of faith is what saves a man eternally...the same FAITH JESUS begins, finishes and COMPLETES
You do understand the words FINISHES and COMPLETES right
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