NO. At the first i tried to give up all sinning all at once, it was a disaster. Then i took one sin at a time and got rid of it out of my life until it was gone. That was more successful, thank Jesus. my invisible friend, when i was a kid, was Jesus, i even made a place for him to sit on the school bus. Then the Holy Ghost started convicting me that i was not Loving enough, that Jesus Loved everyone even His enemies and that i should do the same, so then i started to pray for help to love my enemies, i prayed for Jesus to help me forgive those who wronged me, little by little, little by little, i worked on being more pleasing to the God i serve. Then i got to the point where the Holy Ghost was prompting me to give up my life for HIM. So now, through the help of the Power and Strength of Jesus Christ who lives in me, i now do all things to please Him, i do not live my life for me, but live it for Him. i have learned to hate, even abhor sinning. Because God told me that all sinning is selfishness, all willful sinning is done because of selfish thoughts, to please self and not God. i do not obey satan in anything, i do not obey my flesh, nor any sinful desire, i ONLY obey Jesus Christ, i no longer please myself, but do ALL things to please Jesus my Lord, my Savior, my Master.
It is a race that one must finish. Even though i walk in the light, and do all things to please Him, and if i die right this second then i am Saved, but since i live, i must endure to end to Be Saved. What people fail to understand is you claim with your mouth today that you are Saved, but there is ONLY ONE DAY that determines if a person is Saved or not Saved, and that day is when the Books are opened and we are Judged. If our name is found written in the Book of Life and it has not been blotted out, it is ONLY on that DAY, that a person is Truly SAVED, He that endures to the end shall be Saved.
Being Saved is a narrow and difficult path that only a few will find, this generation has believed a lie that teaches once you are on that narrow and difficult path that it is impossible to ever fall away from it, they are wrong and are deceived and believe a lie that teaches once they are on that path they can't ever fall from it through their own choices.
Is it not written those who endure to the END shall be Saved. If then i freely choose to STOP, Then i have freely chose to deny Christ.
Jesus Christ in a person will cause that person to LOVE OTHERS, they will not be able to do otherwise, unless they deny Christ. Jesus Christ is LOVE. IF then Jesus Christ is Truly in you, then you will LOVE OTHERS, you won't be able to NOT help those in need, you will give to the poor, help those in need, you will give to charities, you will cloth the naked, visit the sick, you will do all these things, not to GET saved, not to remain Saved, you WILL DO all these thing because you ARE SAVED, He lives in you. Love lives in you, if you resist, you deny Christ. And we know what happens to those who deny Christ.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††