My Wife of 36.5 Years, was struggling with a pain pill addictions when I first met her. I really don't share this, but somebody needs to hear it, so I will tell how my wife Bobbi, got Delivered her from that addiction, by the LORD, and HE gets all the GLORY.
About a 6 months after we got married, my Dad and I went fishing early in the morning, because it was time for the White Bass run in the spring. Later on that morning, by wife took a hand full of pain pills, and then she decided to go to get breakfast at McDonalds Drive In. About half ways home, the overdose of the pain pills kicked in, and she pasted out, and she hit one of those REALLY BIG Sign Posts at about 50 mph. Her heart was bruised, and as one of the ambulance personnel SAID as they wheeled he into the Emergency Room, "This is one, in my opinion, isn't going to make it." The Post did not hardly move but our car was Totaled, with the front bumper was half ways through the motor, and the post had a few scratches on it. The size of that heavy steel post, was bigger than this one:
So she was slammed against the Stirring Wheel so hard, it bruised her heart muscle. She was in the ICU when I got there, when her heart stopped beating, and had to be defibbed. Late the next day they moved her to a private Room.
When she was released from the hospital, her Mother offered to stay with us until she healed, as I had to go to work. I looked every where in and around the house, where I could think of, for hidden pills, and came up with none.
Three days later, as her MOM had a habit of kneeling by the couch in the morning, and Prayed specifically for her daughter, and my wife Bobbi, came out of the Bed Room, and Saw and Heard what her Mom was Praying, and Bobbi broke down and CRYED, fell to her knees Beginning the Lord to FORGIVE HER. In Prayer Bobbi asked the LORD TO TAKE THAT CRAVING AWAY FROM HER.
He did exactly THAT. She never had a single WITHDRAWAL Symptom, that I ever noticed. Only the LORD could do THAT, Praise the Lord!
I went with her to the Doctor on her Follow Up Checkup. Where the Doctor said he wanted her in the REHAB CENTER, own by her Doctor. I tried to tell the Doctor we don't NEED that now, because She was Healed by the LORD, in answer to my Mother Inlaw's Prayer, and did not even have a single withdrawal symptom. Here is the next statement that came out of the Doctor's mouth.
"I can NEVER believe that, because I knew how much she was taking."
I dismissed that statement, and figured the Doctor was an Atheist. So my wife checked into A NON-CHRISTIAN REHAB CENTER, owned by the Doctor that was Prescribing her too many pills.
Three Days Later, they called me and insisted I come in the next day for a Group Session. That evening, My wife called and told me, as she was crying and sobbing, that Both the Counsellors had ganged up on her, and Ridiculed her FAITH that the LORD had HEALED HER. I told her that they had wanted me there the next day, for a Group Session.
The next day in the Session, they started ridiculing our FAITH that JESUS HEALED HER. One of the Counsellors even said "You don't need to trust Jesus, you Need to Trust us". At that moment this loud Voice, that my muscle instantly had to obey, SAID:
I was like my chair had instantly been electrified, and I was up and ready to obey HIM. I looked at my Wife and SHE was also standing; I looked around the Room and no one else in the Group Session seemed to hear the Voice. And out the door we went.
I did not say a thing to her, at that time, we went to her room and gathered her things, and looking over my shoulder, for one of those counsellors to come running, but no one was behind us.
Instantly I noticed I had a Flat Tire, still remaining silent, as I was putting the spare tire on, and as I was putting on the last lug nut, my wife came up behind me. I then asked Her, did you Hear anything in that ROOM?
She said just one word, "WALK!"
About a 6 months after we got married, my Dad and I went fishing early in the morning, because it was time for the White Bass run in the spring. Later on that morning, by wife took a hand full of pain pills, and then she decided to go to get breakfast at McDonalds Drive In. About half ways home, the overdose of the pain pills kicked in, and she pasted out, and she hit one of those REALLY BIG Sign Posts at about 50 mph. Her heart was bruised, and as one of the ambulance personnel SAID as they wheeled he into the Emergency Room, "This is one, in my opinion, isn't going to make it." The Post did not hardly move but our car was Totaled, with the front bumper was half ways through the motor, and the post had a few scratches on it. The size of that heavy steel post, was bigger than this one:

When she was released from the hospital, her Mother offered to stay with us until she healed, as I had to go to work. I looked every where in and around the house, where I could think of, for hidden pills, and came up with none.
Three days later, as her MOM had a habit of kneeling by the couch in the morning, and Prayed specifically for her daughter, and my wife Bobbi, came out of the Bed Room, and Saw and Heard what her Mom was Praying, and Bobbi broke down and CRYED, fell to her knees Beginning the Lord to FORGIVE HER. In Prayer Bobbi asked the LORD TO TAKE THAT CRAVING AWAY FROM HER.
He did exactly THAT. She never had a single WITHDRAWAL Symptom, that I ever noticed. Only the LORD could do THAT, Praise the Lord!
I went with her to the Doctor on her Follow Up Checkup. Where the Doctor said he wanted her in the REHAB CENTER, own by her Doctor. I tried to tell the Doctor we don't NEED that now, because She was Healed by the LORD, in answer to my Mother Inlaw's Prayer, and did not even have a single withdrawal symptom. Here is the next statement that came out of the Doctor's mouth.
"I can NEVER believe that, because I knew how much she was taking."
I dismissed that statement, and figured the Doctor was an Atheist. So my wife checked into A NON-CHRISTIAN REHAB CENTER, owned by the Doctor that was Prescribing her too many pills.
Three Days Later, they called me and insisted I come in the next day for a Group Session. That evening, My wife called and told me, as she was crying and sobbing, that Both the Counsellors had ganged up on her, and Ridiculed her FAITH that the LORD had HEALED HER. I told her that they had wanted me there the next day, for a Group Session.
The next day in the Session, they started ridiculing our FAITH that JESUS HEALED HER. One of the Counsellors even said "You don't need to trust Jesus, you Need to Trust us". At that moment this loud Voice, that my muscle instantly had to obey, SAID:
I was like my chair had instantly been electrified, and I was up and ready to obey HIM. I looked at my Wife and SHE was also standing; I looked around the Room and no one else in the Group Session seemed to hear the Voice. And out the door we went.
I did not say a thing to her, at that time, we went to her room and gathered her things, and looking over my shoulder, for one of those counsellors to come running, but no one was behind us.
Instantly I noticed I had a Flat Tire, still remaining silent, as I was putting the spare tire on, and as I was putting on the last lug nut, my wife came up behind me. I then asked Her, did you Hear anything in that ROOM?
She said just one word, "WALK!"
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