You are mis-placing and mis-applying the Greek word "ἁρπαγησόμεθα
harpagēsometha ['SNATCH']," which is NOWHERE to be found in the Matthew 13 text.
The "TARES" in Matthew 13 are (like the WHEAT)
"STILL-LIVING" persons existing
on the earth at the time-slot being referenced (His Second Coming TO THE EARTH--Not "our Rapture [IN THE AIR]" time-slot and circumstances and setting). IOW, NO ONE is being "resurrected" in the Wheat and Tares separation judgment / gatherings.
THEY (the "TARES") will be gathered BY the REAPERS / ANGELS (that "He shall SEND" to do so);
...and in this context/setting, the "TARES" will be collected
"FIRST" (NOT SO in "our Rapture" context, which will take place in the
EXACT OPPOSITE SEQUENCE from that of this passage!)
We ("the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY") are NOT the "WHEAT" harvest; There is MORE THAN ONE "harvest" in Scripture as well as in nature (note: I do NOT say "more than one 'RAPTURE'"... NO!)
In Leviticus 23, are
TWO mentions of "FIRSTFRUIT" (connected with differing "harvest" times)... and James 1:18 also says, "A KIND of firstfruit" (i.e. MORE THAN ONE "KIND"), agreeing... So in Lev23:17 (the
TWO "FIRSTFRUIT" mentioned in that chpt) corresponding to the "WHEAT" harvest, it says, "
TWO LOAVES" and "baken
WITH LEAVEN" (<--These do
NOT describe
us/"the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" which is described in scripture
Rather, Lev23:17 (the SECOND of TWO mentions of "FIRSTFRUIT" in Lev23) corresponds with the wording of Rev14:4 (said of the "144,000" of the nation
of ISRAEL)... ;
The "WHEAT" harvest is harvested by means of a "tribulum" (harvesting implement); whereas the EARLIER harvest by means of "TOSSING INTO THE AIR, and BLOWING away the chaff"

See the distinction?