You would have had "terrible unfortunate" problem also with the 12/120/3000. Yeah see they are righteous holy exactly like you and me are. Yes we tend to read the bible as if they never had any problems disagreements got angry blah blah blah. What you fail to see is all here still love each other
Well I don't know any Church off hand that allows this. Its very clear some do yet I don't know anything about the people that go there nor the preacher so be very foolish for me to say anything. Now if there are some strong in the faith then we stand we fight we bend over even get a tad dirty and pick them up stand in the gap for them. How we forget what Christ does for us day in day out. All the sin we do that we "think/believe" is not sin yet oddly He does not condemn does not judge does not tell anyone yet loves you arms open smiling always letting you know you can TRUST Him have FAITH in Him for He is not like us. What good do those Churches do? But you know the sin? Wait.. why are you judging them when you never met them never talked to them never prayed with them yet you know they are in sin? How does allowing gay people to marry cut Christ off and now makes you one or what ever with the Satan?
We really need to get past this "some sins are worse then others". No.. there is no sin that can enter heaven. There is no sin God is ok with that we can do. We tell our self's that lie its no biggie but gay..ooh thats one of the worst. Not written. Abomination yeah that does not move it up some made up scale. Both can put a wall between us and God. Both open the door for the enemy. But Christ never left, still loves you does not condemn you. Think about that. Think of these Churches that you truly know nothing what so ever about. Don't know the preachers.. are they crying out to God how they missed it and can't find the strength to stand against it and say no. Yeah tell me in this walk you never been there before. These are times when we find those strong in the faith and those that are not. Its easy to stand when looking at others as they are falling. Easy to say "by his strips I am healed" but when the enemy comes in hard and strong when its so dark you can't see God hear God feel God.. yet you stand strong.. knowing all things are possible for you by Christ Jesus. Standing when your whole body is screaming in pain yet you your praising Him worshiping Him.
Its how we stand in those moments. There are so many things happening to the believers in this world that as of right now no one but no one has posted a word. I get emails on this how some are even fighting for us in the courts. You know how they (world) won one court battle for banning prayer? yeah here in the USA. Or passed that law to abort up to 28 days after birth.. you know that law where no one has a right to even question them as to why that baby was aborted. This is nothing not even touched whats going on around the world.
So what would I do? I am fully against same sex marriage. Yet I am not that preacher. I don't know why they did what they did. But I will not stop helping praying for them standing in the gap for them. If it was you what would want? Toss under the buss. Or someone praying for you even though you some how for some reason believe what your doing is not a sin. Yeah after all is said and done the reward (not the reason we did what we did) for never giving up...always fighting against the enemy for lying deceiving our family. I can understand how a great man of God once said about Catholics. "Can't they be wrong about Mary yet right about Christ?". I am not 100% right in all I believe haha. Why I always say Father forgive me for sins I don't remember that I should repent for but hold them not to my charge. So pray for them speak words of life. Easy to say things standing on the outside.. but when its you there...then its a different world