If you go into any field of study, music, art, science, medicine, automobile maintenance, forestry, or just about any thing, you are going to need to learn the meaning of some unfamiliar words.
We shouldn't expect these fields of knowledge to "dumb down" their vocabulary because we don't know what the words mean. We are expected to learn something we did not know before. This is called education. But unfortunately, the society we live in today has grown lazy and in need of spoon feeding. rather through hard work and studying to learn something new.
Lots of words in the King James Version that some people think are "archaic" are not. They are perfectly good and accurate English words. We have just been dumbed down as a society.
For instance, some people complain about the use of all those pronouns like "Thou", thee, thy, thine, and "ye", but the fact is, these have very distinct and specific meanings that are also seen in the underlying Greek and Hebrew texts.
Most people today do not know this. Do you know the difference between "thou" and "ye"? It is really quite simple. If a word starts with a "t", like "thou, thee, thy" then it is the singular you. God is speaking to one individual. But if we see the words that start with a "y", like "ye", your, and "you", then it is the plural form of "you" and He is speaking to more than one person.
We see this in hundreds of verses in the KJV and it often makes a big difference in meaning. These "archaic" forms are far more accurate than the generic "you". "Thou" is the subject. "Thee" is the direct or indirect object and "thy" or "thine" is the possessive form. It is impossible to have a really accurate translation in English without using these words.
Most foreign languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Russian etc. have ways of distinguishing between "you" singular and "you" plural. The only way we can do this in English is through the use of "thou" and "ye". So why the change?