Jesus AND the Bible came into time as a SEED - by G. John Rov

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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hi Chosen. In the beginning was written by the Holy Spirit, through Moses, who was born in Egypt in approximately 1570 B.C. , or did I get something wrong in Sunday school?
Watchman, Moses was the one who the Holy Ghost moved to write down the book of Genesis. And there is a lot of biblical evidence that Moses wrote Genesis and the other books of the Pentateuch during the time he spent in the wilderness with the children of Israel, after they had escaped from Egypt, the house of Bondage.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
hog wash and unBiblical.

CS1, What part of the post is unbiblical?

Word of God is perfect Jesus IS Perfect and has always Been Perfect.
Yes, Jesus the Word of God Is Perfect. Amen. And so is His words: the Holy Scripture (word of God).

Because HE is God the second Person of the Trinity. This is another false narrative and it should be taken down. Totally unbiblical and foolish.

What is unbiblical?? Are you saying the Trinity is unbiblical?


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
You have a shocking inability to understand nuance and metaphor.

Dino, John 17:17 is not a metaphor. It is a statement of fact and truth which proceeded from the lips of our Saviour and Lord. Jesus said “Thy word (Father’s word) is Truth.” No metaphor being used there. Likewise, John 6:63 and Phil. 2:16 also are not metaphors. Jesus said His words are spirit and they are life. Very clear to me. In Phil. 2:16 the word of God is called the word of life. That is not a metaphor either. It is a statement of Fact. The Bible is full of life and it gives Life.

The Bible doesn't say that "the Bible knows..."; it says, "discerns". There is a significant difference. As for your version-idolatry, let's save that for another thread.

For the Bible to be able to discern our thoughts, it first would have to know our thoughts.




discern (verb) · discerns (third person present) · discerned (past tense) · discerned (past participle) · discerning (present participle)

perceive or recognize (something).


find out · discover · get/come to know

become aware of

DISCERN, verb transitive s as z. [Latin , to separate or distinguish, Gr.]

1. To separate by the eye, or by the understanding. Hence,

2. To distinguish; to see the difference between two or more things; to discriminate; as, to discern the blossom-buds from the leaf-buds of plants.

3. To make the difference.

For nothing else discerns the virtue or the vice.

4. To discover; to see; to distinguish by the eye.

I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding. Proverbs 7:7.

5. To discover by the intellect; to distinguish; hence, to have knowledge of; to judge.

So is my lord the king to discern good and bad. 2 Samuel 14:17.

A wise mans heart discerneth time and judgment. Ecclesiastes 8:5.

DISCERN, verb intransitive

1. To see or understand the difference; to make distinction; as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood.

2. To have judicial cognizance.

More ignorance of nuance and metaphor.

Dino, you are the one rejecting what Scripture clearly teaches concerning the indwelling of Christ and His word in every believer:

John 15:3-11 King James Bible

Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. {4} Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. {5} I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. {6} If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. {7} If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. {8} Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. {9} As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. {10} If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. {11} These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Ephesians 3:16-21 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; {17} That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, {18} May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; {19} And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. {20} Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, {21} Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

1 John 2:14 I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.

No, Jeremiah does not record that "the Bible is to be eaten". Even if he did, that would not make the two the same.
It is rather clear what was speaking of when he said:

Jeremiah 15:16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

Jeremiah was speaking of the word of God. ( i.e. The Bible, the Holy Scripture).


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
With your ridiculous conflation? Perhaps if you are seeking laughter. Jesus is God; the word of God is not God.
Jesus is One with the Holy Scripture and that has already been proven by what I have shown from the Scripture in this thread. You can deny the Scriptures and the evidence all you want, Dino. But you have no Scripture which refutes what I stated in this thread. If you think I am wrong about my Bibliogy, then show me from the Bible where I am wrong.

They "prove" nothing. Your comments do demonstrate that you have a limited understanding of figurative language though.

Once again, do you have any Scripture you can show me that refutes what I have stated regarding Jesus being One with His word.?

And let me ask you again, now in this thread also. Do you believe that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God? And if you do, tell me which Bible is it?

Yes, and you should have stopped right there.

No, I went further because there is Scriptural proof that shows Jesus and His word being One and the Same. And the examples have already been shown in this thread.

Your credibility with me is very limited already. Groundless insults will eliminate the remainder.

Dino, will you answer my question already? Do you believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God?

That verse doesn't even remotely hint at Scripture having a human nature. Not a whisper.

If God used human authors to pen down His very words, then yes His word surely does have a human nature. Plus, the written word today is written in a human language (English). Furthermore, the Old Testament was originally written In Hebrew (another human language), while the New Testament was written in Greek (yet another human language).

Once again Dino, you speak that which you do not know, nor understand.

The source of Scripture does not confer the nature of the Source.

The source of Scripture does. God speaks of His words numerous times and He magnifies them and ascribes the very same attributes which He has. His words possess His very nature and His holy and wholesome character:

Psalms 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.

Psalms 119:138 Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful.

Jesus is very faithful and righteous and so are His words.

Psalms 119:86 All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me.

Psalms 119:151 Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.

Jesus is the Truth and all His commandments are Truth.

You cannot separate Jesus the Eternal God from His word.

We humans were created by God; do we have an inherent "divine nature"? No.

We do not possess a divine nature. Only God and His word possess divinity. Remember Dino, God’s word has always been in existence.

In contrast, we humans have had a beginning, We were created. And so we do not have a divine nature.

Your entire position is one massive fallacy of conflation.

Dino, you have not even given me one Scripture that refutes my position. You have not even given me one verse that refutes what I have stated in this thread.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
CS1, What part of the post is unbiblical?

Yes, Jesus the Word of God Is Perfect. Amen. And so is His words: the Holy Scripture (word of God).

What is unbiblical?? Are you saying the Trinity is unbiblical?
"Both Jesus and the Bible came as a seed into the world and grew over time to perfection."

This is an unbiblical statement, As I said Jesus and the Word of God ARE Perfect. As the word of God says:
Matthew 5:48
Psalms 18:30

The idea that one would even say that Jesus and the word of God came as a seed over time and over time grew to perfection means that it was not fully perfect to begin with. That is foolish, that statement has nothing to do with the Trinity so please don't go their. I fully believe in the Trinity as a Biblical concept shown in the word of God. As I said, hog wash and unbiblical .

Happy Easter HE is alive


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2017
Moses was raised as an Egyptian having access to the best education. He know doubt knew the skill of writing. Recently, an archaeologist uncovered something incredible. They discovered that not only was the Hebrew Language the very first pt together language, but each Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet was an Egyptian Hieroglyph that (Moses) made his own twist to it. Essentially, Moses knew the Hieroglyphs very well and turned that into the Hebrew Alphabet. This is no doubt how he wrote the first 5 Books (the Law).
As far as Moses having access to the best education, being raised as the son of Pharaoh's daughter then no doubt he probably had access to all the knowledge possessed by Pharaoh.

However, hieroglyphics doesn't require a person to know how to write because writing the words is not the same as drawing a picture, a person doesn't need to be taught how to draw but a person can't write more a dozen words if they don't know how to read.

But none the less, it is your prerogative to determine for yourself what you consider to be the truth and it is only reasonable that if language evolved naturally then logically it would only be natural that the written spoken word evolved from a symbol, especially since it has been scientifically proven that a symbol is 99.9995% similar to a letter.

If not mistaken that theory was made by Stephen Hawking, who despite having a disease which causes the person to loss control of their voluntary muscles, was able to communicate by using a keyboard specially designed to be operated by twitching his cheek muscle. But of course there was Helen Keller who despite losing her eyesight and hearing at the age of two was still able to learn how to speak as well as read and write in braille.

Simply amazing, say what you will but like I always say, I am going to follow the LORD no matter what the truth is. How bout you? :unsure:


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
CS1, What part of the post is unbiblical?

Yes, Jesus the Word of God Is Perfect. Amen. And so is His words: the Holy Scripture (word of God).

What is unbiblical?? Are you saying the Trinity is unbiblical?
good try twisting the context of my statement too.

"hog wash and unBiblical. The Word of God is perfect Jesus IS Perfect and has always Been Perfect. Because HE is God the second Person of the Trinity."

I am saying Jesus is the second Person of the Trinity.

The latter part which is the end is reaping my first comment of the initial statement as this post is another false narrative .


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
As far as Moses having access to the best education, being raised as the son of Pharaoh's daughter then no doubt he probably had access to all the knowledge possessed by Pharaoh.

However, hieroglyphics doesn't require a person to know how to write because writing the words is not the same as drawing a picture, a person doesn't need to be taught how to draw but a person can't write more a dozen words if they don't know how to read.

But none the less, it is your prerogative to determine for yourself what you consider to be the truth and it is only reasonable that if language evolved naturally then logically it would only be natural that the written spoken word evolved from a symbol, especially since it has been scientifically proven that a symbol is 99.9995% similar to a letter.

If not mistaken that theory was made by Stephen Hawking, who despite having a disease which causes the person to loss control of their voluntary muscles, was able to communicate by using a keyboard specially designed to be operated by twitching his cheek muscle. But of course there was Helen Keller who despite losing her eyesight and hearing at the age of two was still able to learn how to speak as well as read and write in braille.

Simply amazing, say what you will but like I always say, I am going to follow the LORD no matter what the truth is. How bout you? :unsure:
The Lord is the truth :) and HE is absolute truth.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
The term Bible as we use it was unknown to people in Jesus' time. There was a common consensus among various groups that those scriptures that we include in the Protestant OT were inspired. The Sadducee's only recognised the books of Moses being inspired and from what has been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls it seems in addition the Essene's recognised Enoch, Jubilees and some others that were included in the Septuagint which in turn was recognised by the early church and Greek speaking Jews. They continued to be recognised by the whole Church until the reformation.

An official cannon of OT inspired Scriptures was put together by a group of Rabbi's in the second century and its partly the outcome of their deliberations that the Protestant Bible rests upon including KJV. The Greek Septuagint also rests on the judgement
of another group of Rabbi's a couple of centuries earlier. The Jewish OT is divided into three sections and each section differs in the
degree of inspiration. The Torah or books of Moses being the most inspired.

The point is that the Bible didn't drop from Heaven complete with Black Leather binding. There is an element of Human judgement and
that judgement plays a part in what we believe to be inspired and to what extent the Holy Spirit played a role in the lives of those put the Bible together.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2015
Jesus is One with the Holy Scripture and that has already been proven by what I have shown from the Scripture in this thread. You can deny the Scriptures and the evidence all you want, Dino. But you have no Scripture which refutes what I stated in this thread. If you think I am wrong about my Bibliogy, then show me from the Bible where I am wrong.

Once again, do you have any Scripture you can show me that refutes what I have stated regarding Jesus being One with His word.?

And let me ask you again, now in this thread also. Do you believe that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God? And if you do, tell me which Bible is it?

No, I went further because there is Scriptural proof that shows Jesus and His word being One and the Same. And the examples have already been shown in this thread.

Dino, will you answer my question already? Do you believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God?

If God used human authors to pen down His very words, then yes His word surely does have a human nature. Plus, the written word today is written in a human language (English). Furthermore, the Old Testament was originally written In Hebrew (another human language), while the New Testament was written in Greek (yet another human language).

Once again Dino, you speak that which you do not know, nor understand.

The source of Scripture does. God speaks of His words numerous times and He magnifies them and ascribes the very same attributes which He has. His words possess His very nature and His holy and wholesome character:

Psalms 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.

Psalms 119:138 Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful.

Jesus is very faithful and righteous and so are His words.

Psalms 119:86 All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me.

Psalms 119:151 Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.

Jesus is the Truth and all His commandments are Truth.

You cannot separate Jesus the Eternal God from His word.

We do not possess a divine nature. Only God and His word possess divinity. Remember Dino, God’s word has always been in existence.

In contrast, we humans have had a beginning, We were created. And so we do not have a divine nature.

Dino, you have not even given me one Scripture that refutes my position. You have not even given me one verse that refutes what I have stated in this thread.
The identification of a statement as fallacious precludes the need for further refutation.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
The term Bible as we use it was unknown to people in Jesus' time. There was a common consensus among various groups that those scriptures that we include in the Protestant OT were inspired. The Sadducee's only recognised the books of Moses being inspired and from what has been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls it seems in addition the Essene's recognised Enoch, Jubilees and some others that were included in the Septuagint which in turn was recognised by the early church and Greek speaking Jews. They continued to be recognised by the whole Church until the reformation.

An official cannon of OT inspired Scriptures was put together by a group of Rabbi's in the second century and its partly the outcome of their deliberations that the Protestant Bible rests upon including KJV. The Greek Septuagint also rests on the judgement
of another group of Rabbi's a couple of centuries earlier. The Jewish OT is divided into three sections and each section differs in the
degree of inspiration. The Torah or books of Moses being the most inspired.

The point is that the Bible didn't drop from Heaven complete with Black Leather binding. There is an element of Human judgement and
that judgement plays a part in what we believe to be inspired and to what extent the Holy Spirit played a role in the lives of those put the Bible together.
either the word of God is the or it is not. The word of God say no revelation came by the will of man but the Spirit.

God has plACED his WORD ABOVE his NAME. Yet men with lofty ideals and human reasoning cannot see the work of God bring the Bible to where it is today through fallen men. Man thinks their understanding and wisdom have something to play in it? Only to the extent God allowed.

God the KJV and NIV to save millions.
Apr 5, 2020
As far as Moses having access to the best education, being raised as the son of Pharaoh's daughter then no doubt he probably had access to all the knowledge possessed by Pharaoh.

However, hieroglyphics doesn't require a person to know how to write because writing the words is not the same as drawing a picture, a person doesn't need to be taught how to draw but a person can't write more a dozen words if they don't know how to read.

But none the less, it is your prerogative to determine for yourself what you consider to be the truth and it is only reasonable that if language evolved naturally then logically it would only be natural that the written spoken word evolved from a symbol, especially since it has been scientifically proven that a symbol is 99.9995% similar to a letter.

If not mistaken that theory was made by Stephen Hawking, who despite having a disease which causes the person to loss control of their voluntary muscles, was able to communicate by using a keyboard specially designed to be operated by twitching his cheek muscle. But of course there was Helen Keller who despite losing her eyesight and hearing at the age of two was still able to learn how to speak as well as read and write in braille.

Simply amazing, say what you will but like I always say, I am going to follow the LORD no matter what the truth is. How bout you? :unsure:

Yes, I believe using the Hieroglyphs was God led since even the freed Hebrew slaves would have known what they meant. All Moses had to do is formulate a letter to each symbol and conjugate that into a pattern and eventually you have words.

God is definitely Amazing in how He works things out like using Egyptian pictures for the Hebrew Alphabet. And it was a continual reminder to the Hebrew people of what God did for them in Egypt, even still to this very day! Go to write something and when you draw the hieroglyphs it's proving God's Awesomeness and delivery of His Chosen People.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Well, 'truth' is not a living being yet as written, the LORD is a God of truth.
[Deutronomy 32:4] [Psalms 31:5] [Isaiah 65:16]
The truth IS a Living Being Jesus said " I'm AM the Truth " There is too the" Spirit of Truth" God is the One true God.

IF the Bible(meaning books) was never brought together God would still be TRUE.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
either the word of God is the or it is not. The word of God say no revelation came by the will of man but the Spirit.

God has plACED his WORD ABOVE his NAME. Yet men with lofty ideals and human reasoning cannot see the work of God bring the Bible to where it is today through fallen men. Man thinks their understanding and wisdom have something to play in it? Only to the extent God allowed.

God the KJV and NIV to save millions.
either the word of God is the or it is not. The word of God say no revelation came by the will of man but the Spirit.

God has plACED his WORD ABOVE his NAME. Yet men with lofty ideals and human reasoning cannot see the work of God bring the Bible to where it is today through fallen men. Man thinks their understanding and wisdom have something to play in it? Only to the extent God allowed.

God the KJV and NIV to save millions.
You've missed, or ignored the whole point in my post. I am not disputing that God inspires scripture through the Holy Spirit. What I am questioning is whether what our 66 book Bible contains is the whole body of inspired scripture and not just what was decided to be inspired by a group of Christ rejecting Rabbi's in the early second century.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
What I am questioning is whether what our 66 book Bible contains is the whole body of inspired scripture and not just what was decided to be inspired by a group of Christ rejecting Rabbi's in the early second century.
There is no need to question the sufficiency of the 66 books of the Bible as found in Protestant Bibles.

1. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself established both the inerrancy and the canonicity of the Hebrew Tanakh when He said that all the Scriptures consisted of (1) the Law of Moses (Torah -- 5 books), the Prophets (Neviim -- 8 books), and the Psalms or Writings (Ketuvim -- 11 books). See Luke 24. Those 24 books are the Hebrew Bible and also our Old Testament (where 24 books have been split up to make 39 books, since they were split in the LXX).

2. Peter confirmed the divine inspiration and canonicity of all of Paul's epistles (51% of the New Testament).

3. Other NT books testify to their divine origin either directly or indirectly.

4. The canon of the Bible was established by the 2nd century AD, since the Syriac translation called the Peshitta has all the NT books as we find in our bibles.

5. It was the corrupt Septuagint (LXX) -- the Greek translation of the Hebrew Tanakh -- which was not only seriously corrupted, but add fifty non-canonical and apocryphal books, which then entered into the Catholic and Orthodox bibles.

6. The claim of the Catholic Church that it gave us our Bibles is false.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
You've missed, or ignored the whole point in my post. I am not disputing that God inspires scripture through the Holy Spirit. What I am questioning is whether what our 66 book Bible contains is the whole body of inspired scripture and not just what was decided to be inspired by a group of Christ-rejecting Rabbi's in the early second century.
The answer is yes, The reason why we can know, is the following:

From Genesis to Revelation, Christ is the "Foundational Truth" by which we must build on in the Old and the New. Jesus Himself quoted many of these books of the old testament in the New Testament. That should be more than enough to validate their Inspiration and being the Authoritative Word of God.

The following all have: 1. spoke of Jesus to come 2. were quoted by the Lord Jesus Himself 3. Fulfillment of the prophetic seen in the Old and New Testament

  • The first five books of the law From God to Moses.
  • Prophetic writings Major & minor
  • The testimony of the King's
  • Wisdom Books

Everything we see in what is the 66 books hold to this standard built of Christ. Jesus said " I am come to testify of the truth," Jesus said I am the Way, the life, and the truth. The greek translation reads like this:

I am the Hodos(way). Not a "way", but the only WAY. I am the alētheia (truth) not a" truth" but the only TRUTH, I am the zōē (life) not a "life' but The ONLY Life.

Those who come to Christ MUST believe that HE IS. In The Gospel of John chapter 1, in the beginning, was the logos The very expression of God Jesus is the logos which is the logic. Jesus is the very logic of God and His word. To have an understanding of the word of God you must have Christ. To learn the word of God you must have the Holy Spirit John chapter 14. To see the word of God's work you must have faith in Christ.

If one does not believe the word of God as it has been given with all the foundational truth provided Built on Christ, that it has been: examined, studied, lambasted, analyzed mocked, denied, removed, burned, lied about, and protected down through the centuries as a Witness of God, Who said I have placed "My word above my name" Who said I keep my word". Human reasoning will not change this Authoritative truth of God's word.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
I read the replies to my posts and begin to wonder if the replies were meant for someone else. I appear to be accused of doubting
the inspiration of the scriptures and worse. I have decided that it is pointless to continue here
Apr 5, 2020
There is no need to question the sufficiency of the 66 books of the Bible as found in Protestant Bibles.

1. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself established both the inerrancy and the canonicity of the Hebrew Tanakh when He said that all the Scriptures consisted of (1) the Law of Moses (Torah -- 5 books), the Prophets (Neviim -- 8 books), and the Psalms or Writings (Ketuvim -- 11 books). See Luke 24. Those 24 books are the Hebrew Bible and also our Old Testament (where 24 books have been split up to make 39 books, since they were split in the LXX).

2. Peter confirmed the divine inspiration and canonicity of all of Paul's epistles (51% of the New Testament).

3. Other NT books testify to their divine origin either directly or indirectly.

4. The canon of the Bible was established by the 2nd century AD, since the Syriac translation called the Peshitta has all the NT books as we find in our bibles.

5. It was the corrupt Septuagint (LXX) -- the Greek translation of the Hebrew Tanakh -- which was not only seriously corrupted, but add fifty non-canonical and apocryphal books, which then entered into the Catholic and Orthodox bibles.

6. The claim of the Catholic Church that it gave us our Bibles is false.

Is that why we see Eshu quoting Enoch, but Enoch cannot be found; why Jude quotes Enoch and Enoch cannot be found?

Is that why Joshua and David quote Jasher, but Jasher cannot be found?

We have Amos' first Book but his second Book wasn't good enough?

The list is endless here of others quoting other Books (WHo our GOD) gave unto His Chosen People, but a "retarded council" thought they were holier than God and rejected them?


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
Is that why we see Eshu quoting Enoch, but Enoch cannot be found; why Jude quotes Enoch and Enoch cannot be found?

Is that why Joshua and David quote Jasher, but Jasher cannot be found?

We have Amos' first Book but his second Book wasn't good enough?

The list is endless here of others quoting other Books (WHo our GOD) gave unto His Chosen People, but a "retarded council" thought they were holier than God and rejected them?
another 1st enoch pusher. have not had one of these in a while...