The only part of the Olivet Discourse covering the events surrounding the 70ad events are found in Lk21:12-24...
but all of the rest of the Olivet Discourse is describing events that will unfold upon the earth FOLLOWING "our Rapture,"
...namely, "the beginning of birth
which are the "SEALS" of Rev6) which
kick off that future, limited, specific time period that LEADS UP TO His
"RETURN" to the earth [in Rev19], i.e. the 7-yr trib / 70th Week of Daniel;
...and we see this in what Paul had written in
1Th5:2-3 (
the ARRIVAL of "the DOTL" [earthly-located] time-period) where he refers to the INITIAL "birth
comes upon them "SUDDENLY" (
like a woman in labor), whereas MANY MORE "birth
PANGS [PLURAL]" follow on from that INITIAL "birth
PANG [SINGULAR (see the FIRST of the "birth PANGS" in Matt24:
5 "G5100 -
tis - 'A CERTAIN ONE' ('a certain one'
bringing deception)]"... This aspect of "the DOTL" is "DARK / DARKNESS / IN THE NIGHT" (and "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" will have no part in that--in fact, the REASON it is "DARK" is because Jesus will have just taken out all of the LIGHTBULBS" from the world

[i.e. "our Rapture" event])
Additionally, Luke 21:36 is not a "Rapture" verse, but for those IN / DURING the trib years, to have strength to "[
actively] FLEE OUT OF" each and every thing coming upon the earth [those heeding His Word, here, of course] DURING the trib years, and to stand before [in a judicial sense] the
Son of man [His Second Coming
to the earth designation]... so these are trib saints.
Nothing in the context of the Olivet Discourse is covering the Subject of "our Rapture" (though there is indeed a Rapture--it pertains SOLELY TO "the Church which is His body,"
not to all other saints of all OTHER time periods... this is a matter of "chronology"--This is not the Subject Jesus is covering in the Olivet Discourse)