When you say 'if' people understand etc, you mean understand it as do you. that's why, pretty much., the back and forth really just eats up time. That's my position and to be sure, I have done my 'due diligence' with the back and forth and I just have had enough of it.
I know just exactly what you mean. I am also really tired of having my time wasted by people who are not willing to do a certain amount of their own research. I do not mind so much trying to help someone understand the FE model better if I am convinced that they are sincere in their asking.
I mean understand it according to the truth of reality - as in - awake-and-aware (not 'woke'

) - not asleep in the MATRIX, as-it-were - having taken the red pill, with eyes wide open.
True. That pesky ice wall just gets in the way though.
Most believers in a flat Earth think the planet is a flat disk surrounded by an ice wall.
The following is just an observation, to make a point.
I know that your comment above the image was meant to be amusing. And, it is. It is funny. I LOL when I read it - partly because it is funny - partly because it is somewhat inaccurate. (But, it is still funny.)
It is not the ice wall that would prevent people from "falling off the edge of the world"; rather, it is the extremely cold and harsh landscape between the ice wall and the 'edge'. (if that is what is really there; we do not really know)
And, it is at least several hundred miles - and, could be thousands of miles (or more?) - from the ice wall to the 'edge'. (we do not really know how far it is)
The statement under the picture is also incorrect. The 'disk' is not what is surrounded by an ice wall. But, hey - anyone who would use the word 'planet' in a statement like that - either does not understand the FE model very well at all - or - they are deliberately intending to make a derogatory remark against it. So - hey, whatever...
The image is almost totally wrong.
The sun, moon, and stars are wrong.
The waterfalls are wrong.
There is no ice wall.
It is basically flat and has a dome - these two things are the extent of what is actually accurate in the depiction of the image.
The fact that there is such a mismatch between the image and the statement below it is telling...
All of this together (concerning the image and the statement under it; not your statement above it) indicates that it is either it is intended as deliberate misinformation propaganda or it is simply
really ignorant.