So you believe abundant may not rich
Look at some of the famous missionaries.
Hudson Taylor for example who worked in China,
He put all his all into being a missionary and definately multipled
as seed was sown spreading the gospel. Yet he still had to live in a
fallen world, his wife died at 33, most of his children died young but like
Abraham, he made a massive impact which still is having an impact in
the world today.
Amy Carmichael who went to India and Japan.
Gladys Aylwood in China
Plus many many more.
I often think these missionaries of old have a lot to teach us but
not many even seem to have read about them or know of them
any more.
They knew multiplication and what it was to live an abundant life.
There are even people on here on CC who do or have done amazing
things, wonderful acts of kindness who have been a blessing.
One person on here lives an amazing abundant life despite
personal health issues. I don’t think she even realises it!
Chaplain work, FB mental health groups, various other groups etc.
Another person got a work team together to help out a member.
Another helped men caught up in problems.
I’m sure there are many more too, though I doubt you would call them
Think about it, if God made you a millionaire, what would you do with it.
Would it change you and in what way. Would you still rely on God for
everything. How would it affect your relationship with Christ.
Look at Job he had everything, lost everything, then gained it all back and
more. Throughout it all he remained faithful and put God first he never
neglected God. Could you say the same if you suddenly gained material
wealth. If the answer is no, then material wealth would not be a blessing
to you, it would be a curse and you would not live an abundant life.
The man who tore down his barns to build bigger barns was only thinking
of himself. His wealth was not a blessing it led to his destruction.
God will never give us more than we can handle and that includes wealth.
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