No school. no job, no friends since i was 14. Never been with a women. Never talk to anyone. No internet friends. I only go out when its dark. I cant go out without hiding my body and face with a hoodie and cap.
I have therapists but its not helping.
The reason to why i am doing this is because i am 1 of 10 on the look scale and is very weird. I am too ashamed over myself to be part of the society. And people bully me all the time/make fun of me, in internet and also irl, so why should i even bother talking to people, get a job etc when i will be bullied even more? I have 0 % to be in a relationship with a women or getting a friend so its pointless for me to be part of the society.
I tried to fix my flaws, i have 100+ flaws, but nothing worked to fix my flaws.
I feel very bad, i have been depressed for 12 years. but i will not end my social isolation, i will keep living like this until i die.
So my question is how i deal with this sadness, i want to be happy with my life.
Is it a sin to live like this?
I don't think it is a sin to be like you are, but it might be a sin to stay like you are.
Each of us is known by God before we are born. He decides what challenges we are to face in this life. God has given you a great deal of challenges because He knows you are worthy to handle them. He knows that by staying close to Him you will glorify Him in the situation He has placed you. He knows that you are capable of more growth than the average person because He has given you more to grow through.
Most people could not manage being faced with all the challenges God has put before you. God has given you a special place in this life because He knows you will glorify Him more than most people could under the same circumstances.
Most people would probably just give up, condemn God and be miserable. But, like Job, God knows you can handle this difficult life in which you find yourself. YOU CANNOT DO IT ON YOUR OWN! YOU NEED HELP, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGEMENT, AND FELLOWSHIP. That is the only way you can grow through this difficult situation God has placed you in. But God knows you will glorify Him in it. You can have friends who accept you as you are and appreciate how God is reflecting Himself through you.
John 9 tells us of the man whom God decided should be born blind. The man may have thought it was unfair that most people were born with sight, but that God denied him the ability to see.
BUT GOD knew that through his situation God's Son Jesus would be glorified. Jesus said that the man was born blind so God could be glorified. You were born as you are so God could be glorified through your life.
We all were born as we are so God could be glorified. Some of us have to suffer more than others. I have suffered some, but I doubt to the extent that you have. (If you had an emotionally healthy family, you can certainly glorify God for that. Neither of my parents were sane. But I am grateful to God that He helped my grow through that.)
Even if you continue to live an extremely introverted life, which I do not recommend, you can still honor and glorify God where you are. You can pray for others. You can get involved with online ministries. (One example would be to pray for and show compassion for people on Christian websites. Share God's wisdom with them. - To do this ask that God would give you as much wisdom as that with which you can glorify Him.)
I know how lonely you must feel. I have had a variety of person problems that kept me from other people as well. I was quite isolated up until I married at age 43.
I encourage you to develop your personality. Grow a sense of humor. Grow in compassion for others. Grow in Godly wisdom and humility. These are things a godly woman will be attracted to. You don't have to have superstar looks to enjoy the love of a godly woman. A godly woman will be most attracted to a man who reminds her of Christ. That is the kind of woman you want to marry anyway, not a vain good looker.
(Incidentally, I think Jesus was likely homely, if not even "ugly". He came to identify with the most lowly. I think people were attracted to Him for who He was not what He looked like.)
Work on become more Christ like. Do this by spending quality time with Him everyday. The only way you can have a God honoring life and "ministry" is if you are consistent in spending quality time with Him daily.
Start with knowing and loving Christ more and ask Him to give you a great life. Why would He say "No" to that?