FreeGrace2 said:
Let it go already. We have all the facts Jesus wanted to give. He was POOR, was put down by the gate of the rich man. Period.
And quit missing the whole point of the account; there are no second chances for those who have died.
Where and when have I said that? I said to "let it go", meaning, of course, your attempted excuses for trying to make an account of the afterlife isn't working.
I give suggestions for a lot of things. But, of course, you have the freedom to hang on to anything you want.
Control?? That would be quite a feat! Do you really think I have that kind of power over anyone else?
I've answered ALL your questions. What have I missed? And, please, point out the snide remarks you think I have made.
Telling someone to let go isn't a snide comment. It is a suggestion.
Let it go already. We have all the facts Jesus wanted to give. He was POOR, was put down by the gate of the rich man. Period.
And quit missing the whole point of the account; there are no second chances for those who have died.
First of all, your arrogance is quite off-putting as you seem to have the audacity to tell me when to stop talking.
You don't tell me when I am ready to let it go.
What you have the right to do is keep silent and hold your peace, but don't try to control me.
Let me remind you Mr. FreeGrace2 that this is a Bible discussion forum. If you can't answer my questions then don't bother responding with your snide comments.
Telling someone to let go isn't a snide comment. It is a suggestion.
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