Lets look at Transgender Bathrooms
Targets 2016: that men who identify as women are welcome in the women’s restroom.
A recent study authored by the Woman Means Something campaign, incidents of men
attempting to look up the skirts of women while they use the restroom at Target have
more than doubled since this policy change. And overall incidents of voyeurism
(i.e. Peeping Tom offenses) have almost tripled.
Results: Sexual incidents increased over the course of the entire timeframe of the media reports.
In particular, voyeurism-related offenses (Upskirt and Peeping Tom) increased significantly after
the publication of Target’s gender-inclusion policy in April, 2016
Outraged shoppers threatened to boycott Target for its restroom policies after a man
exposed himself to a child in the women’s restroom at a Target store in Chicago, Illinois.
YouGov data suggest 47 percent of American women are uncomfortable using a unisex toilet
in public (and there may be more unwilling to admit their discomfort to a YouGov pollster).
of 700,000 males who identify as female.
So Target is potentially alienating 60 million female customers to cater to the demands
of 700,000 males who identify as female.
But Target is not reconsidering its “gender-inclusive” restroom policies.
Estimate of U.S. Transgender Population Doubles to 1.4 Million Adults
Despite the fact that only 0.6 percent of Americans identify as transgender, this small but vocal
minority is bending large corporations like Target and numerous politicians and laws to their will.
Normally, endangering women and children to cater to about half a percent of the population would
be a spectacularly poor business decision. But Target executives are worried less about offending
women and children than they are about being labeled “transphobic.” Why?
At the end of the day, the transgender advocacy groups calling for unisex bathrooms are more
vocal and more organized than their opposition. They label as a bigot anyone who says a man
should not enter the women’s restroom. These accusations are successfully dominating the media
cycle and keeping the silent majority of Americans silent—and, in effect, submissive to this agenda
of cultural extremism.
In the past, protecting women and children from Peeping Toms and sexual deviants was a moral
duty so basic that no one questioned it. Now, making men feel welcome in the women’s restroom is
a moral duty. And social justice moralists must condemn as a bigot anyone who opposes this.
The beliefs that abortion is murder, people are born male or female, and marriage is a union
between a man and a woman were considered obvious a generation ago. Now, expressing such
facts in public can get you into a lot of trouble.
Americans pride themselves on being tolerant, but this liberal “tolerance” runs in one direction.
When most of society strongly opposed homosexuals, transsexuals, abortion advocates and
other liberals, the strategy was to advocate tolerance over and over. But now that radical
liberal causes have grown stronger and the opposition has grown weaker, their strategy is
shifting away from the tolerance ideal and becoming much more aggressive.
This radical transformation in American culture illustrates how a vocal minority can punch
above its weight—to the point of knocking down a silent majority—precisely because that
majority is so weak-willed.
Targets 2016: that men who identify as women are welcome in the women’s restroom.
A recent study authored by the Woman Means Something campaign, incidents of men
attempting to look up the skirts of women while they use the restroom at Target have
more than doubled since this policy change. And overall incidents of voyeurism
(i.e. Peeping Tom offenses) have almost tripled.
Results: Sexual incidents increased over the course of the entire timeframe of the media reports.
In particular, voyeurism-related offenses (Upskirt and Peeping Tom) increased significantly after
the publication of Target’s gender-inclusion policy in April, 2016
Outraged shoppers threatened to boycott Target for its restroom policies after a man
exposed himself to a child in the women’s restroom at a Target store in Chicago, Illinois.
YouGov data suggest 47 percent of American women are uncomfortable using a unisex toilet
in public (and there may be more unwilling to admit their discomfort to a YouGov pollster).
of 700,000 males who identify as female.
So Target is potentially alienating 60 million female customers to cater to the demands
of 700,000 males who identify as female.
But Target is not reconsidering its “gender-inclusive” restroom policies.
Estimate of U.S. Transgender Population Doubles to 1.4 Million Adults
Despite the fact that only 0.6 percent of Americans identify as transgender, this small but vocal
minority is bending large corporations like Target and numerous politicians and laws to their will.
Normally, endangering women and children to cater to about half a percent of the population would
be a spectacularly poor business decision. But Target executives are worried less about offending
women and children than they are about being labeled “transphobic.” Why?
At the end of the day, the transgender advocacy groups calling for unisex bathrooms are more
vocal and more organized than their opposition. They label as a bigot anyone who says a man
should not enter the women’s restroom. These accusations are successfully dominating the media
cycle and keeping the silent majority of Americans silent—and, in effect, submissive to this agenda
of cultural extremism.
In the past, protecting women and children from Peeping Toms and sexual deviants was a moral
duty so basic that no one questioned it. Now, making men feel welcome in the women’s restroom is
a moral duty. And social justice moralists must condemn as a bigot anyone who opposes this.
The beliefs that abortion is murder, people are born male or female, and marriage is a union
between a man and a woman were considered obvious a generation ago. Now, expressing such
facts in public can get you into a lot of trouble.
Americans pride themselves on being tolerant, but this liberal “tolerance” runs in one direction.
When most of society strongly opposed homosexuals, transsexuals, abortion advocates and
other liberals, the strategy was to advocate tolerance over and over. But now that radical
liberal causes have grown stronger and the opposition has grown weaker, their strategy is
shifting away from the tolerance ideal and becoming much more aggressive.
This radical transformation in American culture illustrates how a vocal minority can punch
above its weight—to the point of knocking down a silent majority—precisely because that
majority is so weak-willed.
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