God is one. He did declare, "I will be what I will be." No one is able to explain fully what this declaration means nor can anyone define it.
He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet inseparable for God is One.
To all the children, please, wait until His day when He teaches all the mysteries give to us this age. Do not jump into human theories for they lead t total misunderstanding.
He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet inseparable for God is One.
To all the children, please, wait until His day when He teaches all the mysteries give to us this age. Do not jump into human theories for they lead t total misunderstanding.
there are more important things. as those more important things are sought out and followed after, understanding is given or found. level upon level... here a little, there a little. it is maybe pride (and /or a mislead) mind that thinks it it knows and/or that it knows much... when it does not, or does but only in part (1 Cor. 13:9-12).. and/or seeks to know things not as important to understand before the more important matters. truth is found by a truthful mind/ heart. thus the ten... or however many one has had revealed to them. seek more revelations of law, for where false witness or any kind of lying to ourselves or to others adverantly or inadvertently exists -- then falsehoods of thought / logic / understanding / ideas / teachings / doctrines / ideologies lies in wait for us and surround us -- to whatever degree it does as allowed or held back, or given to us by God, or not yet given to us through lack of lawfullness... until we learn to walk / think / act / feel more and more by the laws of God and Christ -- the way, to the truth, and to the life. Jesus did not lie to Himself, so He knew the truth, was the truth, lived the truth, told the truth, led others to finding the truth and to following the truth.
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