None of TULIP is biblical.
T - total depravity. If calvinism had stopped with "man cannot save himself", that is true. However, calvinism goes TOO FAR by also claiming that man can't believe until regenerated, or some such notion. That God causes man (only certain ones) to believe. In fact, God is pleased to save those who believe. 1 Cor 1:21, previously shared with you.
U - unconditional election. Calvinism errs by misunderstanding Scripture (like yourself) and thinking election is to salvation. It is to service. If it was to salvation, then election CANNOT be unconditional. Salvation is always conditioned on faith. Eph 2;8,9
L - limited atonement. Wrong. Christ died for everyone. Many verses say exactly that. 2 Cor 5:14,15, 1 Peter 3:18, 1 John 2:2, 1 Tim 4:10, etc.
I - irresistible grace. Acts 7:51 says that men resist the Holy Spirit.
P - now this is tricky. If the "P" refers to preservation" then YES, salvation is eternally secure. But if the "P" refers to perseverance of the saints, nope. Believers are commanded to "stay true" to the faith, (Acts 11:23, 14:22) or "continue in the faith" (Col 1:23).
such commands are not only needless but silly IF IF IF all believers will persevere in the faith.
In fact, Jesus clearly noted that some believers (second soil) will "believe for a while and in time of testing, will fall away".