From this video it looks like Christians who don't believe in a pre trib rapture are also seen as no good 😟
I found this video interesting as it eludes more to the fact that we as the church are divideed on this topic in general at least that is what I got from. We all have our believes and doctrines we all study the word of God yet even the most studious of believers always fall and put themselves int to each catagory a certain type of doctrine or view point on this matter and it is a one that needs to be understood it is a highly sensative and highly confusing topic for a reason.
Everyone who claims to be so for the bible for the scriptures even to the point of being solo scripture only could never do what Jesus did when he faced the pharisees.
They knew the scriptures by heart more so than anyone yet even with all this when coming against Jesus they never had anything to oppsoe they literally were put in place and had nothing to counter him ay all. this is because he had the truth he knew the ttruth and was the truth and he says so many times how he is and how we can know and have it he makes all these completely insane promises the most insane being we would do things that exceeed what he did and everyone reads this everyone reads and sees all the promises all the thing we would do all of who we are where we stand in him and his kingdom when we come to him and it is more like an idea or something that was for that time and not now no one reads the bibloe says to themselves if these things aren't common here on earth and the scripture clearly say that is is how it is why do we just talk about it and teach and yet not live it?
everyone sees the divisin the diffrerewnt understanding the different denominations the different everything yet somehow everyone is ok with this and just accept it as how things are When the truth is offered to us so many times it said that we can know the truth and the truth doesn't have doubt it doesn't have inconsunstany it doesn't have confusion and yet when it comes to the rapture especially how so many are so unaware of how they don't have the truth how maybe it isn't how they imagined it would it be in fact even the whole pre trib prewrath mid trib post trib whatever view you hold I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out all of them were wrong or at least they all held pieces of the truth but because the division it is left confused.
I believe in a poretrib rapture or at least a prewrath one if I am wrong so be it because my heartyy is to be prepared to whatever comes not just what I believe to be true I would rather have my heart prepared maybe be wrong about how I though I understood it but be ready for it.
I cannot say I have the truth yet I am after it and I will do whatever it takes to reach it but clearly since I am open to the understanding of the rapture and the end times I also do n0ot hold a particular set in stone view for better or worse but if I did have the truth no one would be able to counter it like how Jesus was with the pharisee's
So this is noticable to me I see the inconsinstancy the different views the confusion yet people claiming it to be truth to be from the holy spitit when he was so very absolutely clear that there is no confuseing in this spirit of God and in truth so everyone sees this everyone accepts it and yet they don't feel that this is wrong? That clearly the devil has done his most basic tactinct of war divide and conquer separate and distract while anything of God brings union for the body of Christ
I have been known by some to disregard the scriptures how I don't post them often how don't use them to prove what I say it is often seen as basically the opposite of how a Believer who honors the word of God would know and use it in the manner you see evetywhere but I dared to question if we were really reading it I saw the things that make the church and the bible seperate and inconsinstant and I dared to suggest we take a break from studying it and instead go to the orginal the one who said himself he is the truth the way and the life.
We have all these differences with scripture so the definition of the word insanity is to keep trying the same thing expecting different results and I am sorry but I may be legally blind but how is it I can see all this and be like something isn't right.
Anyone claiming to be after the truth while ignoring all the clear signs that we clearly do not know and UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH if we did there would not be the fruits of the enemy confusion division contradictary argueiong attacks ect.
So everyone knows their bible that is good I will not deny that but if your still so easily manipulated deceived and fall in line with the enemies most basic tactics I mean that says something.
So what do we do? it is so common that is is pretty much just how it is you see it everywhere and even those who might have a more rose view of the church know this inside I don't even have to try to prove it if anyone were to search their own hearts they would see it and know it.
The rapture is an event a promise spoken in scripture the fact it was spoken by him makes it more real more powerful more it's going to happen than any kind of evidence alone that we could provide or give to prove or disprove it or even the timing of of it
Maybe instead of thinking we understand we realize all these things see something wrong and actually do something about it.
I personally do not care when or how the rapture happens the only reason I want it to happen is because I cannot stand the seperation between God and us. Yes we can always grow closer to him but there is so much more to him than anyone even considers or even thinks about like imagine if you were given access to even just 5 percent of who he is his heart his personality everything that makes him him you would either go comletely insane to the point where honestly I don't even know if you would even exist anymore or you would fall so head over heels for him so absolutely like no your mine no matter whAT HAPPENS NO MATTER HOW MUCH i SCREW UP YOU ARE MINE.
Faith salvation this journey we go through in our existance with him all of that you are blind to you only see him he is the reason for your existance the reason why you continue why you seek to be strong or or anything whether growing in knowledge and maturity whether growing in the sp\irit whether studying the word of God you are not doing so for your sake because lets be honest what good does it do to gain all this yet do nothing with it?
But the main issue I struggle with almost everyday is the fact that all this is true and I have tried to speak it to people but how can one get people to recieve what they have received?
I understand God's frustation when you have something so good to give to people but look at the bible how many times do you see anyone accepting and recieving things he has said?
He offers salvation and salvation is just the first stepping stone yet how frustrating it must be to know and have something that would be such a blessing to anyone who takes it yet because he doesn't impose free will.....
So the rapture he has given me far many dreams and visions concerining it and each time there was not just the event happening or hinted at it was always as if it was it about to happen second even not because you were told or because the view you hold no there is a knowing inside like don't bother trying to prove or disprove it when you absolutely know something in the spirit I mean sorry but any chance of doubt or being disproven is about as likely as God himself losing to sat
even so I still cannot claim to know the truth I myself am not set in stone on how this is going to play out and yes I have my ideas of how it is going to play but the difference is I don't care in the end how it happens or if I am right or wrong I wasn't kidding when I said I was after the truth and only the the truth I am not after what one considers to be truth I am after the real deal that is all I see if I am raptured or I have go through the tribulation it never mattered to me I actually hope I can be used and serve in the tribulation after all I told him from the start that I sdaw no point in being strong in him if it was for myself
Regardless the understanding of it doesn;t matter to me what if I am right about the rapture what if I could prove everyone they are wrong ok so what do I do with that? does it bring others to the joyful life filling experience you lknow and have to ofeer or does it just serve as mere information you have gathered over years of study maturity building erven some who claim to be biblical scholars yet ask yourself what I am doing with it? who and what I am serving? what are the effects my every action every words has?
We are given knoweldege truth and undertsnading we have free acess open and free yet we just tend to use it to set upon our own views our own understanding what we hold to b e truth everyone falls and puts themselve in a catagory in some kind of denomination77 some kind of limation created by the enemy they take their knowledge and understanding of the bible the scriptures the thing they call the word of God and just use it to debunk argue prove or disprove use it to grow and learn and mature yet not only is division so insanely common but what does anyone do with it?