The moment they are made alive spiritually then they are given the ability to discern spiritual things. No Spirit, no discernment. being born of the Spirit is the determinant factor of eternal salvation. We are babes in Christ when we are newly born spiritually and coming unto a knowledge of the truth of the gospel is a process brought about by hearing the gospel preached, and growing in faith. The Apostles did not understand the fullness of the gospel until after they had received the Holy Ghost after Jesus had ascended. You never did answer my question; If hearing and believing the gospel brings about eternal salvation, where do infants that die before they are old enough to understand the gospel go? To heaven, or to hell? We were made eternally justified by Jesus's sacrifice on the cross, in so much, that God said he looks upon us as holy and without blame, as far as our eternal security is concerned. And that our sins are as far away from him as the east is from the west. I consider that being made just in a covenant relationship with God. What is your discernment on 2 Tim 2:13? If you would consider Eph 2:14 as being in context with Romans 5:1, For Jesus is our peace who hath made both one , and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us and goes on to say that was by his death, burial, and ressurection.
You do hold to eternal vital union, which is rank heresy.
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