New American Standard Bible
"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
What do you specifically look for to know them by their fruits?
If we are to know them by their fruits. What are the fruits you look for to discern the truth?
The fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. But everyone sins- both the righteous and the unrighteous. So you can't catch them in one sin and say, "Ah-ha! I have proof of your bad fruit!" No one gets baptized and quits all sin cold turkey. It's a process, of growing in Christ. Christians visit sin, but don't live in sins that they arent actively trying to rid thier lives of.
It took me years to quit smoking, but now I can say it's been many years since I have smoked. I grew in Christ, and Christians will not continue to sin. But what if you caught me in the early stages before it came full circle? Would you judge me? Would you say "Ah-ha- I have proof that you don't have the fruit of self-control- therefore you are a bad tree?"
The difference is trying and not trying. No one does everything that they should do. But overall they should be righteous. One sign is growth- which requires you really get to know the person, not base it on one or few incidents. Jesus says unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees you shall not enter heaven. They were fakes, Judgeful, and hypocrites. (And anyone who judges is a hypocrite).
Love responds. Although someone may be handicapped and can't physically help, or poor and can't financially help, you will see it in thier eyes- which is a window to thier heart. Remember- He is speaking of spiritual fruit not physical. Effort is the evidence of love, but love can exist without evidence. Sometimes all you can do to express love is to pray. You can't say "They didn't cure me of cancer therefore I have proof they are not loving." God is love, and he who loves has been born of God (good tree). He who does not love does not even know God- for God
IS love.
How loving were the Pharisees? How loving were the Apostles? See the contrast? Love is the biggest and most recognizable fruit. But don't expect to really know a person or thier fruit if you don't know them outside of Sunday services. I had a man judge me once (judging is not loving) saying I sit on the couch all day watching tv. I didn't even have a tv that year, and was always too busy to sit on a couch.
I cooked, cleaned, shoveled, etc even for my neighbors. I studied and taught and wrote, helped with homework, and counseling. My every day was filled with routine and even beyond routine. God says "Who are you to judge another Man's servant? Those who judge will be judged, and not according to God's all knowing judgement, but by the same kind and severity that that person judged His servants.