But as many as have received him, to them he gave the right to become children of God..
So how am I messing with a persons emotions. It is God who draws, it is God who teaches (maybe through me0 it is the person who has to recieve the gift. or say no and move on.
erk these new translations " as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God"
they slip that "have" in there [subtle as snakes are they] because it gives the distinct idea that the receiving was something they did, of their own freewill, their choosing. YOU read it that way and so would anybody. And they say "gave the right" and once again it creates the perception of something they have the right to "should they choose"
You will say it is pernikity something we free gracers have to put up with. But it is all the difference between God doing a work in us and us doing it. God is gracious, His grace is overflowingly abundant, I'm not saying at all that nobody gets saved through such skewed preaching. Folks get saved.
But they start off with God on the wrang foot. Always believing that THEY must do something in order for God to work.