I’m glad too that you’re still with us… you’re an overcomer!
You love God so much even though you’ve suffered so much and now just simply smile in the midst of pain facing death with no fear… you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL to God!
Sounds like you’re passing through the 7 churches…. you’ve made it through Ephesus (Steadfast unshakable First Love) and Smyrna (Death with joy like Christ endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him)…
Now you’re entering Pergamos.. you’ll be raised up in Truth, restored in Truth and strengthened in Truth in Pergamos… perhaps the Lord will heal you now…

That is interesting I didn't even consider any of that. I am currently being lead into a new area of work with him.
I have been mourning for Christian chat and for the body of Christ in general I have even wept for it I have something not a lot have very few are even aware of it I have been given so many treasures from this journey that if I could I would pour into every heart here even if only so they can have a taste.
And he has called me intercessor several times I have always believed in what one prayer can do how it can only take one heart and reality will flip on it's head my prayers for people never had any power even though I prayed it always felt like there was not really anything behind it.
But when he does use me to interceded it's on a whole other level I pour my entire being into even to the point where my body is shaking and sweating and I see feathers as if wings moving at such a speed you only see their feathers fall.
Now that he and I are in a tune unlike ever before now that we sing a new song together I think this is what was needed before I walked in that realm of prayer.
But make no mistake I am not going for simply pray and see if it is his will for them be healed or given strength or whatever if I say it then that is it no if and or but and my prayers are going to be the kind that pours into people they are going to feel that life that is spoken of in the scriptures the water is going to fiull them to brim and that small tatse I want people to have that is what I want more than anything.
I said before he is calling us to a whole new level realm and position with him where he is reality and that reality goes against everything we know and understand it is the literall unknown what we call the bible what we consider God and Jesus the holy spirit what we call the kingdom heaven what we call faith we teach it we believe it in we read it but to exist in it to reside in it to live it out that is another story.
People are confused when I say how eveything he said we could do in him is just words to many. people say they believe but when I say to them how he said how we could command a mountain or how everything Jesus did was childsplay compared to what we are able to do in him now that the death and resurrection has happened.
i don't know how we can say we believe anything is possible with God and yet even though we are told so many times what we really are in him what we are called to do and be the authority in Christ we have but we can't even multiply fish and bread we can't even reach each others hearts a lot of the time.
And this is the kingdom? This is what being a Christian is? this is what faith can do? No I am going to prove otherwise.