Its been a pretty long time since I covered this and I'm not positive where it is located in the bible. I'm just going from memory but I think there is place in the bible where God is speaking and he is talking about a situation just like what we see in politics at this day and time. Where the establishment or the people in political control of the people's lives, cramming their agenda down the people's throats, not paying any attention to the people, over taxing, over regulating, and growing government at a alarming rate, ect. God makes this statement the best I can remember, God speaking, I will tear it from their arms and give it back to the people. It looks like this is just what has happened. That triple 7 about Trump to me is very interesting to me and does mean something significant. One things is the number 777 stands for spiritual completeness. May be someone knows where this is in the bible. If it's there I will find it in time. One thing is for sure, the power was snatched from those in power and looks like it has been given back to the people. Praise God Almighty.