The inescapable conclusion is that there is no such thing as soul sleep. Jesus' account in Luke 16 of a beggar and rich man who died proves that the dead aren't sleeping.
Rev 6 and the 5th seal describe the souls of dead people in heaven asking for revenge and even shouting. They aren't sleeping.
Paul taught that being "absent from the body", meaning physical death when the soul leaves the body, is being "at home with the Lord".
Paul said nothing about the soul sleeping.
The better explanation of what "sleeping" refers to when describing someone who has died is that their physical body is sleeping. Which will be resurrected when Jesus comes.
Rev 6 and the 5th seal describe the souls of dead people in heaven asking for revenge and even shouting. They aren't sleeping.
Paul taught that being "absent from the body", meaning physical death when the soul leaves the body, is being "at home with the Lord".
Paul said nothing about the soul sleeping.
The better explanation of what "sleeping" refers to when describing someone who has died is that their physical body is sleeping. Which will be resurrected when Jesus comes.
"All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable.” —Matthew 13:34
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