Babylonian captivity, not Egyptian.
That's a huge assumption, with no evidence to support it, so I'm going to discard it as irrelevant. The Bible says "gentiles", I'm going with "gentiles"; i.e. non-Israel.
Are the comments in red yours or someone else's?
Jesus didn't come to abolish, but to fulfill. The problem with most Judaizers is that although they understand what "abolish" means, their comprehension stops there. None that I have encountered understands what "fulfill" means.
If the mortgage is fulfilled, do you still make payments? If the obligation is fulfilled, is anything else left undone? Did Jesus say that He fulfilled part of the Law but not the rest?
If Jesus fulfilled the Law, why do Judaizers claim that Christians need to obey it? "Here; even though Jesus paid the mortgage in full, you need to keep making payments on it. You need to follow this and that and do and don't do so that you demonstrate appropriately your love for and submission to God." What they don't add is "because clearly, whatever Jesus did wasn't sufficient."
The old covenant was fulfilled at the cross; the new covenant was initiated. No more does our relationship with God depend on our adherence to the Law; now it depends fully on our faith in the Person and finished work of Jesus Christ.
A tip for you, as you say you're confused: regarding Scripture, when there is a passage you find confusing, look for another passage on the same subject that is clear, and interpret what is unclear in light of what is clear. Acts 15 and Galatians 2-3 are clear; gentiles are not subject to the Law. We are grafted in by faith, not by obedience.
That's a huge assumption, with no evidence to support it, so I'm going to discard it as irrelevant. The Bible says "gentiles", I'm going with "gentiles"; i.e. non-Israel.
Are the comments in red yours or someone else's?
Jesus didn't come to abolish, but to fulfill. The problem with most Judaizers is that although they understand what "abolish" means, their comprehension stops there. None that I have encountered understands what "fulfill" means.
If the mortgage is fulfilled, do you still make payments? If the obligation is fulfilled, is anything else left undone? Did Jesus say that He fulfilled part of the Law but not the rest?
If Jesus fulfilled the Law, why do Judaizers claim that Christians need to obey it? "Here; even though Jesus paid the mortgage in full, you need to keep making payments on it. You need to follow this and that and do and don't do so that you demonstrate appropriately your love for and submission to God." What they don't add is "because clearly, whatever Jesus did wasn't sufficient."
The old covenant was fulfilled at the cross; the new covenant was initiated. No more does our relationship with God depend on our adherence to the Law; now it depends fully on our faith in the Person and finished work of Jesus Christ.
A tip for you, as you say you're confused: regarding Scripture, when there is a passage you find confusing, look for another passage on the same subject that is clear, and interpret what is unclear in light of what is clear. Acts 15 and Galatians 2-3 are clear; gentiles are not subject to the Law. We are grafted in by faith, not by obedience.
So do you think you could answer the questions and not go off in another direction this time please?
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