Warning, warning, miss-use of the term law. Law as in the law of Moses is different from the Law of Christ.
We are bound to love, slaves of righteousness, a heart tied to God desiring to walk in His ways and follow
The problem is if we obey Jesus and hunger and thirst for righteousness, the legalistic hunters after
legalists, will pick up innocents and execute them, so denying the very argument they are trying to follow.
But then if one can claim one is against rules and legalism, how does one stop being against God,
the author of the law and He who rewards those who obey the law of Christ?
What is also ironic, talk about gay sex or adultery, or sexual abuse and the law of Christ is fine and right.
Talk about dropping gun rights or dropping the rights of an individual to behave as they like, and answer
for the evil they do, and you are a legalist who is the worst of the worst.
So in truth this is just liberal cultural christianity in the guise of living by faith.
I wonder if there are kinds of people wrapped up somewhere in this thinking, or if you express a social
conscience and believe in welfare, you are definately doomed to the hell fire