It has everything to do with it. Are you suggesting that God was careless when he used the metaphor of "death" to describe man's helpless spiritual condition? Was HE careless, reckless and irresponsible with his use of words when from the very beginning he told Adam that in the day of his disobedience he would "surely DIE"?
And you so steeped in your willful ignorance of the scriptures that you turn a blind eye to the saints' spiritual resurrection from the dead?
Eph 5:14
14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,
"Awake, O sleeper ,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you."
You're such a Humanist! You think one is
not literally dead unless he's
physically dead, right? All that spiritual stuff really can't be taken literally, right?

But of course, you have it all backwards as usual; for the
SUBSTANCE of both life and death is not to be found in temporal reality but in spiritual reality. (Read 1Cor 15 some day.) Don't you know that Adam became a living being only AFTER God breathed LIFE into his nostrils? Then Adam rose from the ground and stood erect! But when he sinned, he became separated from his Creator -- his soul no longer alive to the One who had given it life. And it's not in man's power to bridge that gap. And God made very certain of that when he stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life. Man cannot will himself back to life. There's only ONE Man who ever had that power (Jn 10:18).
And before you respond with more of your foolishness, do yourself a favor and meditate on Eph 1:18-23.
God's power that works in his elect is the same exact power that it took to raise his Son from the dead!