it's evident by your first post that you are an exceptional person!
and, as hard for me to say this is, you are very mistaken, as many, if not most,
never have experienced what you are referencing to...
sad, to say the least, but even more sad, is those who want/desire to have this experience,
and so many go to the extreme to pretend that they actually do share in this 'dream'. =
thank You for being a 'beacon', to the many who have been so terribly deceived!
May God have Mercy upon us all, and His pity, for we so desperately need it...
it's evident by your first post that you are an exceptional person!
and, as hard for me to say this is, you are very mistaken, as many, if not most,
never have experienced what you are referencing to...
sad, to say the least, but even more sad, is those who want/desire to have this experience,
and so many go to the extreme to pretend that they actually do share in this 'dream'. =
thank You for being a 'beacon', to the many who have been so terribly deceived!
May God have Mercy upon us all, and His pity, for we so desperately need it...
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