Why would God save on demand?
Was sickness ever in God's original plan? Not even death was. He truly is life.
And death is not His ally or His friend, it is His enemy.
And thank God it is the last enemy to go!
Of course He still works all these things for good! But not His plan.
Why would Jesus heal all when He walked on the Earth, but not heal today when He walks with us?
Jesus never once said God put sickness on a person. Not once. Sickness entered because of sin.
In many Scriptures we see sickness and sin paired.
Here's one:
2Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
3who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
4who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
The idea I am presenting is this:
The same reason we don't see people's souls set free even though Jesus paid for it, is the same reason we don't see people's bodies set free even though Jesus paid for it.
Do we have to convince God to be our savior? Or do we simply believe? Of course, we don't have any "experiences" to mess up our belief with this. We can't see what a new creation looks like with our natural eyes or else we might try to have more faith in our eyes instead of trusting God.
I have spent years of my life studying and understanding healing. I have started healing rooms. I have encounters with God where He asked me why do I want His power? And I said because the world needs to know you are good, you are real, and you are still alive today. I have seen people weep when they experience Him. When people say, whoa He really is ALIVE, we have lost this. And it saddens me. We have forgotten the victorious Christ who dwells with us daily.
I am so blessed because I used to be so afflicted with fear. Depression. Panic. Anxiety. I used to be soo attacked, I even spent time with doctors because of these issues. But it was not a physical method that saved me, but it was a spiritual understanding. And that put me on the path of understanding the schemes of the devil. I can tell you soo many stories of how I jumped out of moving cars because of panic and anxiety, or I thought I was in hell because God was angry with me because I wasn't perfect. But this wasn't God, no, this was a spirit that wanted to torment me every day. And it wasn't until I was able to discern the enemy that I was able to call upon My Lord and Savior to set me free.
I have seen addictions vanish. Things people go for years to be set free of. Because they have been led the belief that if it's to be, it's up to me! I have seen sicknesses go! And I have seen sicknesses stay. I have prayed over people for over an hour non stop until their pain went from 9 to 8.5, but oh how I celebrated when I saw it move even an inch. And then in this spirit of faith rose up and I say it go down to a 0.
We must know the enemy. We must not be foolish of his schemes. It is the enemy who steals, kills, and destroys. Where is the victorious church that Jesus called us to be? We have broken marriages, hurting children, we have so many sicknesses and deaths, and what is the answer? It must be the Will of God! NO! It is the Will of God for us to be set free!
There is no condemnation to those who struggle with these things! I myself have struggled with an illness that I pray against often, and I have seen breakthrough, but not complete freedom. But does that mean the cross of Christ was not sufficient to bear my sickness? Definitely not! It means that I am growing in receiving.
Just as the addictions people struggle with, they don't understand they are a new creation, so they seek our intimacy with substances instead of The Substance. But once they get this, wow, they are gloriously set free. Because yes our Lord paid for their freedom as well.
Of course, we will still be persecuted, even just sharing some of my stories, or believing for people to be well, I get attacked. Of course I am not killed, but still it is because of love that we get attacked.
Why do we not rejoice??? Why are we not excited to celebrate that God paid for our sicknesses? I struggle with a sickness, but I still celebrate His goodness and my freedom. And by God when I celebrate I see breakthrough!
What would happen if the Church rose up and truly did the things Jesus did and even greater? Well then I believe many would be saved, set free, and be united with Christ. And He would receive everything He paid for. What would happen if we believed that the same Lord that walked on the Earth walked with us? What would happen if atheists, would couldn't believe for the words actually believed for the works? Jesus Himself pointed to His works! But today it is considered evil?? The Greatest Speaker, Teacher, Pastor, of ALL time walked the Earth, and He still needed to show miracles! And He still pointed to those who were healed to validate HIS message. And today we think we don't need what He did? Because we have a bigger book? I'm sorry, bless you, but I can not invalidate the call of Christ to make disciples of nations or to do the works He did and greater, even if I don't see it completely with my own eyes, I believe one day I will. And one day the world will know God is good, real, and alive today. And the enemy has been unmasked.
As far as why I will leave soon, it is because I feel the Spirit telling me my time here is coming to a close, I really only feel strong affinity to certain people here that I feel specifically called to share with. You are one of them

But I believe He has planted seeds where He will and one day those seeds will spring up. And I am excited for that day! Not that you or anyone else would believe me, but the reality of God would grow for all of us!