I ask to see your statement of faith and whom it is your history ties itself to? This will help greatly in the examination of your claims but it is unlikely to happen as always is the case with charismatics....& their self-deceptions, please, let us see what it is your group stands for in their records of faith literature?

Which I have on my bookcase. I also have Gordon Fee's commentary on 1 Corinthians, along with John Calvin's commentary on the same book. I also have Charles Finney's Systematic Theology. I have also read Jonathan Edward's work concerning his views on manifestations that affect the emotions, and find that he makes a lot of sense in distinguishing between what is from the Holy Spirit and what is from fleshly emotions. He was right in the middle of the 18th Century Great Awakening with all the good, bad and ugly aspects of it. Also I have read Jesse Penn Lewis "War on the Saints" in which she critiques manifestations that occurred in the Welsh Revival of the late 19th Century.
So, you can see that my source of information has not come just from a group of the lunatic fringe within a Charismatic church. For your information, I left the Charismatic movement in 1978, because I didn't like what was going on in my last church, especially the false Shepherding movement that had infected it with all the harm that movement caused for so many good people.
But I didn't ditch my Pentecostal theology. I just merged it with my Puritan Reformed theology that concentrates on what is true conversion to Christ and continued total commitment to Him as the sole foundation of faith, with any manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit pointing to Christ alone as the sole reason for edifying and encouraging the saints.