My brother, please understand that God was not hoping people would choose Christ and believe, He chose whom He chose before the world was created.
God bless on your journey.
okay, God did not choose all to either believe God or not in risen son for them to not?
Even though not all might not choose God. If God does not choose all, then God is not fair is God?
So either he chose all or God has not chosen all. God is fair and if one is not given the chance, then God is not fair is God?
The play on words, is perplexing
I see God loves us all and Son went to that cross for all 1 John 2:1-2, 12 time to choose free choice between God and you with others along with you or not
I choose God the only one that is good to this day, is what I believe and that cannot be changed (not to me anyways)
God has called all to believe God or not, Risen Son proves that to me. The death was for reconciliation first only (2 Cor 5:16-20). Then the risen for us to get given (free of charge) new life in the risen Christ, I, once believed God, became dead to the first birth of flesh and am alive daily in the risen Son thanks to Father, who leads new in the same Holy Spirit that led Jesus first