Ooh! Interesting looking thread to me, i'm a pretty techy old dear who LOATHES windows and finds Mint 21.3 edge and 22 suit me well now. Both my main rigs are pretty recent and decent, the one with the aorus elite b650 ax v2 r2 is only around a year old, the other one has the b550 ax v2 r2 and is still decent. I also LOATHE Intel, AMD for me for sure, which has had a nasty prob recently but i've sorted the bios in both. Hasn't made me think less of AMD, these things happen and personally think one of the big differences twixt AMD and Intel, is we got to hear about the problem. I do loads of video encoding which is very heavy duty on my rigs but take good care of them, it's handy having two pretty powerful pcs to share the strain.
Heh! Still love the original Spyro trilogy and bought the reignited trilogy on Steam, actually prefer the original PS versions tho, they have more heart, if you know what i mean. Also like games like The Turing Test on Steam but my big love is chess and i'm a very good player who can take down nearly anyone when i'm in the wind. Sadly, i can lose to anyone when i ain't in the wind
Even sadder is that cheating is quite the norm in online chess now, i used to play 10 minute games but now go for 2-3 minute games so it's hard for people to use chess engines. Really loathe cheating, to me, if i can't win on my own merit, it isn't worth a light. Anybody else into chess and might be interested in putting the fear of God into some saddoes?