The problem is that while this CAN be a measure of one's spiritual knowledge and involvement, it can also wind up being just a screen for those who are really good at memorizing and regurgitating information.
It tells you nothing about whether or not they apply it.
I was in an Assemblies of God church that would get very excited about pastors and leaders involved in this or that revival or movement. I went to look up these names years later -- and some of the most prominent ones had left their spouses for younger, better-looking members of their ministry teams. The names of pastors or "big names" in the ministry have never meant much to me.
As for memorizing passages and Bible trivia, I was raised in Lutheran schools since my parents got me at 6 months old (I am adopted.) So I was taught to memorize Scripture all my life, but for some reason, my mind remembers key words and phrases, not entire verses with references.
I will often text
@Lynx and
@cinder, saying, "Hey guys, I'm thinking of a passage about..." and it's not a matter of whether they know it -- it's a matter of whoever has the time to answer first. Along with knowing exactly what I'm talking about, they also often reference other related passages I had overlooked.
I knew a guy in his 20's who was also raised in church, and his Bible was so marked up with notes and study marks that you'd think he was a seminary student. I have no doubt he could pass your tests, and answer far more questions and recite many more passages than your requirements.
But he had an issue with self-control, and was raised in big cities where you could find anything your sinful nature was curious about. Although he was only in his mid-20's, he'd already lost count of his number of sexual partners because he loved going to clubs where you could find anything you wanted, and one of his particular interests was in groups and multiples.
He would try to get away from the scene; be ok for a few months; then relapse back into it. And even if he didn't go back to the clubs, there was always some kind of pornographic source to soothe his addiction.
I quickly found that as much as I wanted to be supportive, I cannot date someone like this. I empathize with anyone struggling with this and I would do my best to be an encouraging friend, but it could go no further than that, or it would start to destroy my mental health with insecurity.
Knowing the Bible and who's preaching it doesn't always have much connection with being able to put it into practice.
This is a crucial element your tests would be missing entirely (though I realize for a show or public entertainment, questions like sexual past would be way too personal and would have to be asked in private.)