This is a really interesting idea. Never looked at it that way
this isn't taking place with human witnesses - no where in the book does Job learn of these events. this is all happening for anger ls to witness, and they watch what Satan does, and what Job does, and his friends, and Elihu.
so i see this as something primarily for the angels - God only replies to Job essentially, 'Who are you to question me?' and does not deign to explain the events. Job, being righteous, answers in agreement, he humbles himself and confesses he has spoken about things too wonderful for him.
but the angels hear Satan making this bet boasting against God, over whether Job only respects God because he has been materially blessed - effectively that God's praise is 'bought' unfairly through bribery, as it were. to the angels this is a lesson in righteousness and humility before God, a tacit rebuke of Satans rebellion and refusal to repent even when he has been humbled, cast out of heaven and relegated to the earth. Job is a witness to them, Elihu a witness both to Job and to the angels, a prefigure of Christ, mediating.
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