This message is to Christian Chat Staff:
Christian Chat staff correct your errors
I am contacting you to ask you to correct errors in my account. I tried contacting you by email but it did not go through. I am also going to send a note similar to this one to the section Suggestions. In the section account profile for "Seeking Wisdom" your system has 193 likes shown under my account that are errors. I did not enter those likes. Therefore the system has created a deception, because it is stating that I had approved of these posts at a time when I had not viewed the post. Whenever I wish to show my opinion on a post, I have replied with a note. I have never first responded with a like, smile, agree, dislike or frown. If it is possible, remove the errors that the computer system has in my account and when you find out the source of the problem, kindly prevent any more errors occurring in the future